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10 ways to be a better leader (no matter your age or title)

discipline leadership Mar 20, 2023

Leadership is not simply given to those with the biggest titles or status.  No matter what your age or title, you can lead and should work on your leadership skills.  The more you grow, the more influence you'll be able to exert over others and, as research shows, you'll be more likely to make more money over time as you become more valuable in your career.

But leadership certainly isn't just about the work environment that you're in.  Leadership extends to every area of your life.

So, in today's blog, I want to share a few things that can help you succeed as a leader - no matter where you're at or how old you are.  Think of these things as rules to follow or at least ideas to keep in mind as you navigate the landscape that you find yourself leading in today - or may find yourself leading in down the road.

Here at 10 ways to be a better leader today:

1. Treat everyone the way you'd like to be treated.

Have you ever witnessed someone treat the lowest person on the totem pole like they were "less than" them?  It's brutal to watch and such a bad look.  Worse than that, it reflects poorly on the person who does this and their character (or lack thereof).

If you want to be a leader, make sure you treat everyone around you with the respect and dignity that they deserve.  Better yet, as a Christian man, treat everyone in the way that you believe Christ would have treated them if he were in your shoes.  

Just as God does not play favorites, neither should you.

2. Be a great listener.

This is such an important tool to have in your tool belt as a leader.  Too many times, we are so busy and focused on what is going on in our own world that we never approach people to really listen.  We look at them and we hear the words they are speaking, but we haven't really listened.

Nothing is more frustrating than talking to someone who treats you that way.  Be an active listener and when you're with someone, pay attention.  Be present.  Ask follow-up questions.  Give them your full presence.  Treat them, again, the way you'd like to be treated and like Jesus would do if he were you.

3. It's all about relationships.  

People matter to God.  So people should matter to you, too.

No matter what your job is - it ultimately comes down to serving people. 

If you're a dad - it's the people God gave you to raise and love and show them who the Father is.  So lead them well.

If you're a boss - it's the people God gave you to bless and protect and lead through servant-leadership.  So lead them and treat them as God would.

If you're married - it's the person that God gave you to help them experience what unconditional love is so that they can grow in their relationship with God and flourish in it.  So lead her with all the care and diligence that you can.

In the end, it's all about relationships because people are the only things in this world that will last forever.

4. Work hard.

We are always telling our kids that if you want to stand out in the world today - it's not that hard.  Simply show up to whatever you do with great effort and a great attitude.

The bible is clear that we are to work hard and with a specific focus in mind:  As unto the Lord.

How hard do you think you would work if Jesus were standing there with you?  Or, if the work you were doing were going to be presented to him?

Obviously, we would shift our focus and effort immediately. 

This is what good leaders do.  They recognize that the Lord IS, in fact, with us and leaders lead as unto him.

5. Whatever you do - do it well.  Excellence matters.

In a similar way to Work Hard, we say this at my job and in my home all the time:

How you do what you do is as important as what you do!

It's so true.  How you do what you do matters.  In many ways, it matters even more than what you're doing.

For example, if I gave my kids a project to do and they completed it but they huffed and puffed and complained the whole time would I be please?  No.  Because how they did it stunk!

If we work hard and lead with excellence it honors the Lord and that's what great leaders are really about.

6. Take extreme ownership of yourself.

I'm a big Jocko Willink and Echelon Front fan.  These former Navy SEALs understand leadership principles better than most and have had a big impact on me and my mindset.

One of the first principles that I heard them explain was this:  Take extreme ownership of yourself.

This means that we don't pass the buck, blame others, play the victim, etc.  You are where you are because the decisions and habits that rule your life.  Don't like where you are or where you're headed?  Good news:  you can change that!

How?  By taking - not just ownership - but extreme ownership of your life and leadership.  God has given you all that you need to fight and win with his strength.  So man up, take responsibility for the things you're overseeing (yourself included) and start to win again.  

7. Give credit where credit is due.

This probably doesn't seem like a very big deal or maybe even like it should be in a list like this.  But there is something powerful about a leader who doesn't absorb all of the glory.

For example, imagine what it would be like if you worked on a team and the leader or coach or star player took all the credit for what the whole team had to work to achieve.

How would that feel? 

By simply giving credit where credit is due, you can not only be more like Christ, but you'll also win over the people you're leading and they will fight harder for you and produce better results.  

So, practice giving away the credit.  Spot ways that others are shining and be sure to let them and the whole world know how impressed and proud and grateful you are for them.  This will go a long, long ways!

8. Be humble or be humbled.

"Humble yourself before the Lord and he will lift you up."  

Easier said than done, isn't it?

But the old adage proves true:  be humble or be humbled.

Only one letter different but it makes ALL the difference in the world!  

I don't know about you, but I would much rather be humble, kind, and generous than have someone (or God) humble me and have to face those consequences.

Be humble.  Don't think too highly of yourself.  Give credit where it's due.  Love people well.  Be others-oriented.  This is the path of all great leaders.

9. Ask better questions.  Find clarity in what it is you specifically need help with or answered.  

This point can't be stressed enough.  If you want better answers - ask better questions!

But how, I hear people often say?  

Google it!  Seriously.  If you're not sure, simply ask Siri:  What are great questions to ask (and then fill in your situation) my financial planning kids, etc.

The quality of your life and leadership hinges on your ability to grow as a person and as a communicator and influencer.  So, study this issue.  Find great questions and watch how your influence and impact grows!

10. Assume the best.

Lastly, if you want to be a better leader in any situation - assume the best of people.

We live in a highly cynical and critical world.  And let's be honest, some of it is for good reason!

But with that cynicism comes an inherent mistrust of people that we encounter each day.  Often times, we don't even consciously know that we're dismissing the person we're talking to assuming the worst about them.  But many times we are.

Assuming the best is simply about approaching people and believing that most of them are good-hearted, kind, normal human beings.  As such, you'll assume the best unless proven otherwise.

Doing this sounds easy, but the longer you've been alive and the more hurts you've accumulated by people, the harder it will be to do this.

But, like so many things, we turn to Christ and see how he treats us and we use that influence how we treat others.  

Assume the best and treat them that way and your influence as a leader will improve.


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