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The 4 Laws of Gun Safety (Do you know these by heart?)

guns joy Feb 13, 2023

Quick confession:

I am a novice when it comes to guns.  I own a sweet P226 Sig Sauger 9mm handgun but hardly ever shoot it.  However, I believe in our constitutional right to own and bear arms and I think it is wise that we are educated and equipped to defend and protect ourselves and our loved ones should the need arise.  As such, I am seeking to learn more about common sense ideas for beginners like me and know that many of the men at Get In The Fight are in the same boat as me.  

The 2nd Amendment states: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

With that being said, if you carry (or plan to carry) a concealed weapon, safety should be your ultimate priority. It’s not just about ensuring the safety of those around you – it’s also about making sure that YOU are safe and secure as well. To that end, here are four international laws of gun safety to help keep you and those around you safe when carrying a concealed weapon. 

(At the end of this post there is a video that I highly recommend you watch covering these 4 laws).

Rule #1: Treat Every Gun As If It Is Loaded

You cannot be 100% certain that the gun is unloaded until you have verified it yourself. Even if someone else tells you that the gun is unloaded, always check for yourself before handling or aiming your weapon at anything. That means never assume a gun is unloaded.  Period.

Sadly, I personally know of stories from our hometown where catastrophic events have unfolded due to people (kids in this case) not following Rule #1.  Lives have been lost and families destroyed as a result.

Treating every gun as if it is loaded also applies to cleaning and maintaining your guns as well. Keep in mind that whenever a gun is handled, there exists the possibility of an unintentional discharge, so handle all firearms with extreme caution no matter what kind of gun they are or who they belong to.

This sounds very basic and "duh!" (and it is!).  But, as I mentioned already, not everyone adheres to the basics and the consequences can be tragic.  So always assume a gun is loaded and treat it accordingly.  Never take someone else's word for it.


Rule #2: Never Point Your Weapon At Anything You Are Not Prepared To Destroy

This includes people and property alike.  Never point your firearm at something or someone unless you're prepared to use deadly force and destroy that thing in front of you. This rule applies even if the gun is unloaded.

It’s important to practice proper muzzle discipline (i.e. where you're pointing your gun) at all times so as not to accidentally injure someone or damage property. Always point the muzzle away from everyone around you in any situation, whether loading, unloading, shooting or cleaning your firearms.

In the firearms safety course I took several years ago, the instructor demonstrated this rule by showing that even in a scenario where you actually have to draw your weapon in a dangerous situation that the first place you point your weapon is down.  Even in a situation like that, you never lift your weapon and point it at someone until you are absolutely sure that you are ready - and willing - to use it.  

Rule #3: Be Sure Of Your Target And What's Beyond It

Always know where your bullet will (or could) go after hitting its target and make sure there is a suitable backdrop for every shot fired from your firearm in case of ricochet or over-penetration (when bullets pass through their target and keep going).

As John says in the video below, you are responsible for every bullet that is shot from your gun until it comes to a full stop.  So before firing any weapon, take the time to identify exactly what lies beyond your target so that stray bullets don't cause any unintended harm or damage – either to life or property - downrange.

A good rule to follow:  if you're not 100% sure what's beyond the shot - don't shoot!


Rule #4: Keep Your Finger Off The Trigger Until You Are Ready To Fire                                                          

When carrying a concealed weapon, always keep your finger off the trigger until you're ready to fire and never rest it on the frame while handling firearms in general – even if they are unloaded! Aiming at something other than an intended target can quickly lead to an accidental discharge simply by putting too much pressure on the trigger with an extended finger resting over it.

Follow this simple rule by keeping your index finger alongside the slide of semi-automatic handguns and straight along the receiver on revolvers at all times until ready to fire.  This can help to prevent accidents from happening due to negligence when handling your firearms safely and responsibly.

As you will see in the video, John makes the point that where you lay your trigger finger matters a great deal.  Many people believe they are safe because they are not resting it directly on the trigger, but he adamantly argues against this and requires safely putting your finger along the receiver as stated in the paragraph above.


In summary, carrying a concealed weapon comes with great responsibility.  It is imperative to have confidence in handling your weapon — particularly when it comes to safety protocols such as these four international laws of gun safety outlined above.  To gain confidence with your gun you must be intimately familiar with it and handle it often.  Practice with it.  Be familiar with it.  Learn all you can.

Remember these 4 laws whenever handling firearms - whether its for recreational shooting , hunting , home defense, competition shooting, personal protection, etc.  You have the right to carry a gun and protect yourself and your loved ones.  But with this right comes great responsibility and that all starts with knowing and rehearsing these 4 laws of gun safety over and over again until it is second nature to you.


Here is John Lovell of Warrior Poet Society demonstrating everything discussed here in greater (and better detail).  I HIGHLY recommend watching it and checking out his other materials at the Warrior Poet Society link in the previous sentence.  There is a lot of great material there. 

Click on the image below to watch John (a former Navy Seal and Christian man - explain these laws). 

After you watch the video, grab a piece of paper and write down the 4 laws by memory.  It's one thing to listen to it and another to recall it and internalize it on your own. 

Safe shooting, my friends!


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