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Overcoming Fears: 6 Common Fears that Hold You Back

#joy #strength Oct 02, 2023

Fear is a powerful emotion that can paralyze us from reaching our full potential. It’s something that everyone experiences but few of us men like talk about.

As Christian men, however, we are called to live a life without fear and to trust in God’s plan for our lives.  Over and over again we are admonished in Scripture to, "Fear not...for I am with you!".

Yet, fear often gets in the way of our relationships and keeps us from living our best lives.

Here are 6 of the biggest fears that keep us from living a better, fuller life and some practical ways to we can overcome them.

6 Common FEARS Men Face

Fear of Rejection

One of the biggest fears that Christian men often face is the fear of rejection. We fear rejection in our relationships, our careers, and even in our faith. Whether it’s the fear of not being accepted by others or the fear of failing God, this fear can hold us back from taking risks and pursuing our dreams.

To overcome this fear, we need to remember that our worth is not based on what others think of us, but on who we are in Christ. We are loved and accepted by God, and that’s all that matters in the end.

Fear of Failure

Another fear that can keep us from living our best life is the fear of failure. This fear can be paralyzing and prevent us from trying new things or pursuing our passions. But as Christian men, we should remember that failure is not the end. Failure is an opportunity to learn and grow.

Instead of fearing failure, we need to embrace it as a stepping stone to success.  Nothing great has ever come without the lessons learned from failing first.

Fear of Change

Change is an inevitable part of life, but it can also be scary. We fear the unknown and the uncertainty that comes with it. But as Christian men, we should remember that (just like failing) change is an opportunity for growth.

So rather than shrinking away from change - embrace it as a chance to step out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself to get comfortable with it. Trust that God has a plan and that He will guide you through any changes that come your way.

Fear of Judgment

Many Christian men struggle with the fear of judgment. We fear being judged by others for our beliefs, our choices, and many other things. This fear can prevent us from being authentic and living boldly.

But as followers of Christ, we need to remember that God’s opinion of us is the only one that matters. We should seek to please Him above all else, rather than worrying about what others may think.  

"If God is for us, who can be against us!?" - Romans 8:31

Fear of Loss

Loss is a natural part of life, but it can also be incredibly difficult. Whether it’s the loss of a job, a relationship, or a loved one, this fear can prevent us from living fully in the present.

But as Christian men, we should remember that our hope is not in the things of this world. Our hope is in Christ, and He will never leave us nor forsake us. Trust in His plan and know that He will bring good out of any loss we may face.

Fear of the Unknown

Finally, the fear of the unknown can be a significant barrier to living our best life. We fear what we don’t know or understand, and this fear can prevent us from taking risks or pursuing new opportunities. But as Christian men, we need to remember that we serve a God who knows all things. He has a plan for our lives, and even when we don’t understand it, we can trust that He is in control.

Rather than fearing the unknown, we should embrace it as an adventure and trust that God will guide us every step of the way.

Fear is a natural part of life, but it doesn’t have to control us. We were not called to live timid, fearful lives. So as Christian men, we should strive to live our lives without being controlled by fear and learn to trust in God’s plan for our lives. Remembering who we are in Christ, embracing failure as an opportunity to grow, and trusting in God’s plan are all ways we can overcome our fears. Don’t let fear hold you back from living your best life. Cast your fears on God and step out in faith knowing that He is with you every step of the way.


What FEAR sticks out the most to you?  Which of these is getting in the way of you living a bigger, better life?




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