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What if Jesus Had Never Been Born? 10 Ways He Changed The World

#christmas #joy Dec 18, 2023

With Christmas only a week away, it's a fitting time to reflect on the profound impact that Jesus had on our world.  Have you ever stopped and wondered:

"What would the world be like if Jesus had never been born?"

Imagine for a moment if that first Christmas morning never happened.

The absence of Jesus' birth would ripple through all of history, altering the course of human civilization in ways we can hardly fathom.

Consider these 10 ways in which the world would be fundamentally different if Jesus had never been born.

1. The Message of Unconditional Love:

Without Jesus, the world would lack the central message of unconditional love and self-sacrifice by a God that made you and loves you.  This teaching underpins Christianity and is uniquely attributed to the message of Jesus and His teachings on love, forgiveness, and compassion that have shaped civilizations and inspired countless acts of kindness.

2. The Legacy of Human Dignity:

Jesus' teachings on the inherent worth and dignity of every individual have influenced human rights movements, and promoted the advancement of equality and justice ever since his birth. His affirmation of the value of each person has shaped societies' approach to vulnerable populations such as the aging, the unborn, infants, the sick, and many others.

3. A World Without Salvation:

The foundation of Christianity—salvation through Christ alone—would be absent, eternally impacting countless lives and depriving humanity of the hope and redemption that faith in His name provides.

4. Transformation of Hearts and Minds:

The absence of Jesus would mean a lack of spiritual transformation and sanctification, leaving all of us searching for purpose, fulfillment, and inner peace but without the power to change.  Apart from the work of Christ in a person's heart and minds, people have no hope.  But with Christ - all things are possible.

5. Impact on Art and Culture:

The artistic and cultural expressions inspired by Jesus' life, such as Renaissance art and classical music, would be fundamentally altered or non-existent.  It's hard to imagine what life would look like without Jesus' inspiration in these areas.

6. Science and Education:

Christianity's influence on the development of education and the pursuit of knowledge would be significantly diminished, potentially altering the trajectory of countless scientific advancements.  Consider the amount of colleges and hospitals that were created as a way of advancing the Gospel.  What would the world look like with the influence of Jesus in these areas?  Its scary to consider.

7. Compassionate Outreach:

As with the hospitals mentioned above, the worldwide network of charitable organizations inspired by Jesus' call to care for the less fortunate, the poor, and the vulnerable would be absent.  In most other societies, the strong dominated the weak and considered them as nothing of value.  Jesus flipped this idea on its head and the world was never the same.

8. The Christian Ethic:

The values of selflessness, integrity, and servant leadership, championed by Jesus, have shaped ethical standards and continue to guide people's actions.  Ideas like, "Love your neighbor as yourself", or "Treat others the way you would like to be treated" all grew out of the Christian worldview inspired by the life of Jesus.

9. Cultural and Historical Impact:

The calendar system, centered around the birth of Christ, would be different, impacting how we measure time and mark historical events.  This is mind-boggling to consider.  Quite literally, we would not be measuring time the same if Jesus had never been born!

10. Influence on Philosophy and Thought:

Christianity's role in shaping philosophical and ethical discussions on topics like morality, purpose, and the afterlife would be drastically altered if Jesus hadn't been born.  Imagine which cultural norms would have taken its place.  


 In short, it is abundantly clear that Jesus' life has left an indelible mark on humanity.  To say that the world would be different is an understatement for sure.  The birth of Jesus brought hope, transformation, and a timeless message that continues to resonate still today. This Christmas, then, let's celebrate not only the birth of a historical figure but also the enduring impact of a Savior whose presence has shaped our world in ways we can never fully comprehend.


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