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Staying in the Fight: 5 Ways to Deal with Doubt and Discouragement

#joy #strength Oct 16, 2023

Doubt and discouragement are two of the biggest battles that Christian men face and oftentimes, these can be the very things that cripple a man's faith.  I've watched it happen many times.

These two enemies can cause a man to lose hope and give up the fight, but it doesn't have to be that way.  As we know, there is no battle or temptation that is too big for God to overcome in our lives.  

But...that's only true for those who are alert and know what to do when they creep into your life.

In this blog post, we'll look at five ways that men can deal with doubt and discouragement so they can stay in the fight and not get sidetracked, disillusioned, or taken out of the fight completely.

5 Ways To Fight Doubt and Discouragement

#1. Connect with God

When we feel lost and uncertain, one of the best things we can do is to connect with God. We can do this in many ways:  first thing in the morning in God's Word, prayer, quiet time in nature, listening to a podcast, or even just quiet time on your drive to work so you can slow down and listen for him.

Spending time with God can help us gain clarity, peace, and point us in the right direction when doubt and discouragement start to lead us astray. It can also help us remember why we are fighting in the first place and remind us that there's an enemy who seeks to destroy us.

Are you dealing with these issues and bringing your worries and concerns to God?

#2. Seek Wise Counsel

Sometimes, we need to talk to someone who can help us see things from a different perspective. Seeking wise counsel can help us understand our doubts and discouragements and find solutions that we may as easily see on our own.

Godly, wise counselors can give us insight into our problems and help us find our way back to a place of hope and purpose.

Who do you have in your life that you can call or reach out to when you're dealing with heavy issues?

#3. Get In The Word

The Bible is full of encouragement and inspiration. But guess who the Scriptures can't help?

The man who doesn't open it up and put it in his heart!

The challenges we face as men are not unique to us, and we can often find inspiration in the stories of those who have gone before us. When we are feeling overwhelmed and discouraged, we can turn to the Bible for strength and guidance.

Are you regularly getting God's Word in?  

#4. Focus on Gratitude

When we are feeling defeated, it can be easy to focus on our problems and forget about all the things we have to be thankful for. Gratitude is an attitude that can help us shift our focus from what we lack to what we have.  

When we adopt a mindset of gratitude, we can find joy and purpose in even the most challenging circumstances.  That is why we pray daily in our Fight Club, "God, make me a man of JOY.  Help my happiness and attitude not be dependent on my circumstances or feelings (or that of others around me)."

Do you have an attitude of gratitude or do you tend to focus on the negative and all you don't have?

#5. Take Action

Sometimes, the best way to overcome doubt and discouragement is to take action. When we take action, we are reminded that we have the power through Christ to make a difference in our own lives and the lives of others.

By taking steps to move forward, we can break the cycle of doubt and discouragement and find renewed hope and purpose.  Conversely, when we isolate ourselves or let the feelings get in our way, we find ourselves hurt and often stuck.  Taking action is about moving away from the feelings and moving to what is true, right, lovely, and good.

What action can you take to move you to those helpful things today?


Doubt and discouragement are common struggles for all Christian men.  But by connecting with God, seeking wise counsel, using scripture as a source of encouragement, focusing on gratitude, and taking action, we can overcome these battles and stay in the fight.

Remember, the fight is not over until we choose to give up.  But, "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength!"


Don't try to fight these battles on your own!

Join The Fight Club Today!


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