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How to Help Your Kids Navigate LBGT Conversations with Biblical Truth

#honor #strength Oct 09, 2023

As a parent, it can be challenging to navigate conversations about sexuality with your kids, especially when it comes to the LBGT conversation. The world is constantly bombarding our children with messages about gender and sexuality that are contrary to biblical truth.  

As Christians, and in particular as men and heads of our households, it is our responsibility, then, to teach our children what God's Word says about these important topics and how to respond with grace and love in every situation.

Here are some practical ways to help you lead your kids through the LBGT conversations from a biblical perspective.

Navigating LBGT With Your Kids

1. Start with the basics

Before diving into discussions about sexuality and gender, it's essential for you to have a firm foundation based on biblical truth. Start there and study what God says for yourself or ask your church for help with resources and ideas.  Then, teach your kids what the Bible says about sex and marriage - emphasizing God's design for these relationships. Help them understand that God created us male and female and that sexual intimacy is only meant to occur within the covenant of marriage between a man and a woman.  Be sure that you talk about God's view of sex - that it is encouraged, blessed, beautiful, and good...but only within his design for it.

2. Have open conversations

Encourage your kids to come to you with any questions they may have about sexuality and gender. Ask them what they think and what they're hearing or learning in school or from their friends.  Create a safe and judgment-free space where they can ask questions and receive truthful answers. But...and this is key...don't freak out when they share what they know or think!  This is important if you want to continue to have influence and opportunities down the road.  Be honest with them, and don't shy away from difficult topics, but always approach the conversation with a heart of love and grace - both for those who don't walk with God and for your children who are learning how to navigate these murky waters.

3. Teach them to love their neighbors

Jesus commands us to love our neighbors as ourselves, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity or any other qualifier that people may use. Encourage your kids to show the kindness and compassion of Jesus to everyone, including those in the LBGT community. Teach your kids to see people as individuals created in the image of God, not just as members of a particular group.  Walk them through how to do this practically and share examples from Scriptures where Jesus interacted with people in his community who lived radically different from God's way.  Talk about and share Jesus' example and his ways of loving people while still staying committed to truth.  Let his way of life be their standard for how to live their own.

4. Set boundaries

While it's important to show love and compassion to everyone, it's also crucial to set appropriate boundaries in relationships. Teach your kids to respect themselves and others by maintaining healthy boundaries in all of their relationships.  For example, help them understand that sexual activity outside of marriage is not part of God's plan and can lead to harmful consequences.  Let them know that there are also boundaries that are appropriate if people are pushing agendas on them and are not open to genuine dialogue or conversation.  Help them navigate the difference between "affirming" sin and loving others but not accepting what the world is pushing on them to agree with.  Jesus knew how to love people with both grace and truth.  He never "loved" the sin and yet sinners loved to be with him.  

5. Model biblical truth

As parents, we have a significant influence on our children's beliefs and behaviors. Set an example by living out biblical truth in your own life. Show your kids what it looks like to love God and love others, including those in the LBGT community. Show them what a godly marriage looks like and how a man ought to love his wife and treat her.  When they see you living out your faith, they will be more likely to embrace biblical truth later on for themselves.


Navigating conversations like these about sexuality and gender with your kids can be challenging, but as Christians, we have the responsibility and obligation to teach them what God's Word says about these important topics. We simply cannot afford to not address what is going on today.  Its just not an option any longer.

By starting with the basics, having open conversations, teaching kids to love their neighbors, setting boundaries, and modeling biblical truth, we can help our children navigate LBGT conversations with grace and love while affirming that God's way and Word is best.

Remember that every conversation with your child is an opportunity to share God's design for relationships and to point our children towards the truth. With prayer, patience, and reliance on the Holy Spirit to lead our children - we can equip them to stand firm in their faith as they navigate a world that is going crazy and is far away from God.


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