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When to GO: 4 Reasons to Leave A Challenging Situation

strength Jan 23, 2023

As Christian men, we are often called to stay and "fight the good fight".  I wrote about why that may be true in a previous post. There is growth in adversity and facing our challenges head-on will make us stronger.

However, there are times when it may be wise to leave and get away from a situation that is not good for us. Let’s take a look at four reasons when this may be true.

1. When Your Safety Is At Risk

Your safety always comes first. If you feel your physical or emotional wellbeing is threatened in any way, then leaving the situation is the best option for you. There are some situations that may be too dangerous for you to stay in and it’s important for you to recognize when those scenarios arise and make the decision to leave if necessary.

This may be if you are in a hostile work in environment and it is mentally draining you and causing you harm.  Or maybe its when someone is antagonizing you and picking a fight and you know you're about to blow up and lose your cool.  In situations like these, it may be best to simply leave and get away from the challenge and live to fight another day.

2. When Staying Will Cost You More Than Leaving

There are times when staying in a certain situation may cost you more than leaving it would. This could be financially (you've bought something you knew you shouldn't have and to simply "man up" and keep paying for it just doesn't make sense).  It could be emotionally (you're in a relationship with someone who is toxic to you and bringing you down and you've tried everything you can but it's just not working.) It could be spiritually (you've connected yourself to a situation that is causing you to surrender your convictions and its compromising your faith.  If you choose to stay in this any longer than necessary it will cost you a lot more than just a bad reputation). 

As a Christian man, it is important to be mindful of the situations that you find yourself in so that your decisions don’t cost more than they need to in the long run.

3. When You Feel Like The Battle Has Been Won

If the challenge has come full circle for you and no matter how much more effort you put into it there won’t be any significant benefit other than what has already been achieved, then it might be time for you to move on and leave behind whatever it is that no longer serves a godly purpose.

As Craig Groeschel says in his book, Divine Direction, "Sometimes the best decision you can make is to go, even when it would be easier just to stay where you are."

Leaving a situation that has run its course will allow room for new opportunities and can help you propel your life forward instead of remaining stationary in one place with no real progress being made.

4. You Have Other Opportunities Available To You

Finally, if there are other opportunities available that would serve your growth more than staying put would – then perhaps taking those opportunities should be seriously considered instead of sticking with what’s comfortable and familiar to you - even though it may not lead anywhere good for your future.

For many people, the temptation we face is to consider all of life's options as Black & White.  We look at our situation and believe there is only and "either/or" way to handle it.  This is rarely (if ever!) true, though.

Weigh up all your options carefully before making any decisions.  Talk to trusted friends or mentors.  Ask God directly and seek His help.  But don’t forget that sometimes walking away can be just as brave as staying put!

It’s important, then, for Christian men to know when it's time to walk away from certain situations no matter how difficult they may seem at first glance.  Sometimes, even though we want something badly enough, it just isn't meant for us.  Knowing when leaving is wiser than staying will save us from future pain while allowing us space to pursue things which bring joy back into our lives instead!


What are some circumstances when it has been wiser for you to leave than stay?  We'd love to hear!  Connect with us on our social media platforms and use #getinthefight when you leave a comment or question.


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