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What does a man of God look like? 17 Marks of a Godly Man

#honor Oct 30, 2023

The apostle Paul was on a mission to preach Christ where the Gospel had not yet been preached and to help establish churches wherever he went.

In two different letters he encouraged Timothy and Titus to find men who could help lead the church.  Men who had certain characteristics and qualities that would deem them worthy of the task.

However, not every man qualified for this.

Which should lead us to ask:  What DOES a man of God look like who is worthy of such honor and respect?

17 Marks of a Godly Man

In Ephesians, Paul said that Christ gave gifts to the Church in terms of leaders who were appointed by God to help, "...equip God's people to do his work" and to help believers, " mature in the Lord, measuring up to the full and complete standard of Christ."

So let's look at this standard of Christ that Paul may have had in mind and see how it relates to us as Christian men today who wonder what it takes to be a man of God.

When we look at the list of qualifications that Paul gave to Timothy (1 Tim. 3:1-7) and Titus (Titus 1:5-10), we see 17 unique marks of spiritual maturity.  As you read these, consider which ones you feel like you may be stronger or weaker in today.

1. Above reproach (a man who doesn't have obvious disqualifying characteristics in his life)

2. The husband of one wife (morally pure)

3. Exercise self-control (in both words and actions)

4. Lives wisely (humble and prudent)

5. Has a good reputation (in good standing with others inside & outside his home)

6. Enjoys having others in his home (unselfish and generous)

7. Able to teach (good communication skills and not defensive)

8. Not addicted to drugs or alcohol (or other vices that disqualify him)

9. A gentle man (not soft, but meaning self-controlled)

10. Not quick tempered (able to control emotions well)

11. Not a violent man (does not abuse others verbally or physically, etc)

12. Not in love with money (isn't materialistic or driven to be rich)

13. Manages his house well (a good husband and father)

14. Loves what is good (loves things God loves, hates things God hates)

15. Is a just man (he's wise, discerning, fair, etc)

16. He is devout (pursues holiness and devoted to God above all)

17. Disciplined (he is able to do hard, right things despite how he feels)


Now that you see the list, what comes to mind?

For some, I'm sure it seems like a daunting or nearly impossible list to live up to.  For others, the temptation is probably to see this as a list that is strictly for pastors and elders.

However, when you read through these passages it appears that, while these lists are there to help provide wisdom and qualifications for those who lead others, it also is designed so that ALL Christian men can see the path to maturing in our faith and, "...measuring up to the full and complete standard of Christ."

In short, this list of 17 qualifications was to be lived out by those who were leading the way.  Perfectly?  No.  But it was a high standard for a high calling by God.  These men were to be leaders and examples who were able to help others walk this same path and see what it could look like for men to live like Jesus.

Our goal, then, ought to mature in this same way.

Regardless if your goal is to be able to earn the respect and honor that comes with being a leader in your local church body, we all ought to pursue a life that is marked by these 17 qualifications and characteristics.  This is what it looks like to mature and grow in our faith and these are some surefire ways that you can know a what a godly man looks like when you see one.


Which of these 17 qualifications do you need God's help with the most today?

Which ones do you feel like you're doing best in?


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