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The Measure of a Man: A Guide to Helping Christian Men Live the Lives God Intended

As Christian men, we are called to lead lives that reflect the character and teachings of Christ.

But what does that look like?

How would you know if you saw one - or were one?

Navigating the challenges of modern life while staying true to our faith is a daunting task.  It's not for the faint of heart.  It truly requires a man who is surrendered to Christ and "struggling with all of his power" to "be mature in the Lord, measuring up to the full and complete standard of Christ" (Ephesians 4:13). 

What a tall and impossible task!  And yet...that is the measuring stick and goal of our journey.

In his powerful book, "The Measure of a Man," Gene Getz provides a roadmap for Christian men (like you and I) who are seeking to become the men God meant for them to be. In this review of his book, we will delve into the key insights of this inspiring book and explore how it can profoundly impact our journey as Christian men. 

That said, there is SO much to this book - I highly recommend clicking on the link above or at the bottom of this post and buying a copy for yourself (or for a man that you know is hoping to grow and become the man God made him to be).  It is a great guide to helping you live the life God intended for you to live.

The Measure of a Man

Here are some of the key takeaways from the book:

Understanding the Measure of a Man:

Gene presents a compelling framework that challenges traditional notions of manhood. You know, the rough and tumble, never cries, macho man you see smoking a cigarette or doing endless burpees.

Instead of measuring our worth based on worldly achievements or external accolades, Gene emphasizes the importance of character, integrity, and spiritual growth as the true measures of a man. He guides us through biblical principles that can help reshape our understanding of masculinity, encouraging us to embrace our God-given identities.

A majority of the book focuses on two key passages that define the characteristics that ought demonstrate who is and isn't a a real man according to Scripture:  1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-10.  

Without looking, what do YOU think the measure of a man would look like?  What would it include?

Embracing Godly Leadership:

At the core of the book lies the concept of Godly leadership. Getz reminds us that leadership starts with our relationship with God.  

Stop and think about how revolutionary just that idea is by itself.  Yet, this is what Scripture teaches us as followers of Christ.  Your ability to lead others is fully dependent on your ability to follow Him first.

By drawing wisdom from the Scriptures and the life of Christ, he equips us with the tools to lead ourselves, our families, and our communities with love, grace, and humility.

As Christian men, we are called to lead by example, and "The Measure of a Man" empowers us to do so with unwavering conviction.

Building Healthy Relationships:

One of the most significant challenges men face today is fostering meaningful relationships. In this book, Getz shares valuable insights on how to cultivate authentic connections with our spouses, children, friends, and colleagues.

Look around at men that you know.  Wouldn't you agree that men are more connected than ever - and yet more lonely than ever at the same time?

Many of find ourselves searching for ways to connect in meaningful ways but end up alone, aloof, and apart from anything substantial and real.

By emphasizing the significance of love, respect, and communication, Gene equips us with the tools we need to build strong, lasting relationships that reflect the heart of Christ.

Where are you at today in terms of healthy relationships with other Christian men?  Who do you turn to for accountability or to celebrate when life is going great?

Navigating Challenges with Faith:

Life is filled with challenges, and it is during these times that our faith is put to the test. "The Measure of a Man" offers practical advice on maintaining faith and hope amidst adversity.

There are few things more important today than helping men learn to handle adversity better.  We have become a very soft, fragile society and many men have simply disengaged completely from the fight.

Getz encourages us to lean on - rather than lean away from - God's strength, to trust in His promises, and to persevere through trials, knowing that our identity as Christian men is firmly rooted in Christ's love.

When you become a Christian, did you think that life would get easier?  Do you still find yourself confronting difficult seasons of life and wondering why it is so hard still?

Becoming a Man of Integrity:

Integrity is a cornerstone of true manhood and is central to the mission of Get In The Fight.  Each and every day we are praying for God to help us become men of HONOR:  ie. men of integrity.

Getz emphasizes the importance of aligning our actions with our beliefs, demonstrating integrity in all aspects of life. He reminds us that living with integrity requires accountability, self-discipline, and a commitment to seeking God's guidance in every decision we make.

We couldn't agree more!

How are you doing when it comes to living with integrity in your private and public life?  Who is helping you find accountability in each area?


Are you striving to live bigger, better lives in alignment with God's purposes and plans for your life?

If so, this book is full of biblical teachings and practical wisdom that will challenge you to reevaluate your understanding of what manhood is and can help you embrace the life God meant for you to live!


Are you ready to embrace the measure of a man according to God's standards? Dive into this book,"The Measure of a Man", by Gene Getz and embark on a transformative journey to becoming the man God meant for you to be.

Let's embark on this incredible adventure of faith and growth together! Visit to learn more and join a community of Christian men committed to living bigger, better lives in Christ.


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