Leadership At Home

Uncategorized Sep 26, 2023

ONE topic each Tuesday with 2 quick thoughts, 2 quick quotes, and 2 quick actions covered in 2 minutes or less:


"The fastest way for Christian men to stay focused and stay in the fight."


Topic: Leadership at Home

2 Thoughts:

Lead with Love: Effective leadership in the home starts with love. Remember, as Christian men, you are called to love your spouse and children as Christ loved the Church. Huge task!! Your love should be sacrificial, selfless, and unwavering. When love is at the core of your leadership at home, it sets a powerful example for your family.


Servant Leadership: Jesus taught us that true leadership is servant leadership. In your home, this means putting the needs of your family before your own. It means serving your spouse and children with humility, helping them grow spiritually, emotionally, etc. This servant-hearted approach is how Christian men lead from the front.



"The best way a man can lead in his home is by example, demonstrating godly character and love for his family."



"Leadership is not about being in charge. It is about taking care of those in your charge."

Simon Sinek


2 Actions: 

1. Quality Time:

Dedicate intentional, quality time to connect with your spouse and children this week. Engage in meaningful conversations, listen actively, and participate and be fully present in activities that your family wants to do or makes them happy.

2. Spiritual Leadership

Take the lead in nurturing your family's spiritual growth. It's up to you, men!  Plan a family devotional time or prayer session. Encourage your children in their faith journey and set a positive spiritual example through your own actions.


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