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Growing Closer To God

ONE topic each Tuesday with 2 quick thoughts, 2 quick quotes, and 2 quick actions covered in 2 minutes or less: 

"The fastest way for Christian men to stay focused and get in the fight."


Topic: Growing Closer To God

  2 Thoughts:

1. Be Intentional With Your Time

Recognize the importance of carving out intentional time for God on a daily basis. Create space for prayer, meditation, and reading Scripture. In the busyness of life, this intentional time serves as a foundation for deepening your connection with the Lord. And let's be honest...what do you have to do that's MORE important than this!?


2. Listen and Obey

Growing closer to God involves not only speaking to Him but also listening closely. As you spend time in prayer and reflection, be open to His guidance. Obedience is a key component of intimacy and is critical for the man who wants to grow closer to Him.



"Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you." - James 4:8


"The more you pray, the less you'll panic. The more you worship, the less you worry. You'll feel more patient and less pressured." - Rick Warren


2 Actions: 

1. Have A Plan (don't wing it)

Have a plan for spiritual growth. This may include setting specific goals for prayer, Scripture reading, or other spiritual disciplines. Then, assess how you're doing and adjust your plan as needed to ensure you're continuing to grow.


2. Find A Mentor

Connect with a mentor or another Christian friend who can provide guidance and accountability in your journey of growing closer to God. Share your experiences, seek wisdom, be vulnerable and honest, and learn from someone who has walked a similar path you're on.


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