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The Power of Focus: Becoming the Man God Made You to Be

strength Jan 09, 2023

There is a lot of noise and distraction in our world today. 

Think of your typical week.  There's not a lot of margin or space for something new - let alone something important, life-giving, or of eternal significance.

With so much going on in our busy lives, it can be hard to focus on what’s most important in life. That’s why this year, we - as Christian men - need to learn how the power of focus and picking just one new discipline or habit can change our lives and help us become the men that God made us to be.

Here are 5 ideas that you can choose from to help make this new year the best year of your life!

1. Get Healthy

Taking care of your body is an absolutely crucial part of being the man God made you to be. Eating healthy and exercising regularly will not only make you look and feel better, but it will also give you more energy and focus throughout the day so that you can serve others better.

Start small.  Even if it’s just committing to walking for 10 minutes a day or eating one cup of vegetables per meal.  Getting your health in order and making small changes to your lifestyle can have a major impact in every other area of your life over time.

2. Read More

Reading books is an important way to expand your knowledge base and gain perspective on different topics and issues. I am a huge believer in the power of growing in wisdom.  As Scriptures teach us, who you hang around matters!  Thus, reading can open up your mind to new possibilities and help shape you into a better person - the person God is committed to growing.  How does he recommend we do that?  Gaining wisdom. 

One easy goal, then, is to commit to reading at least 1 chapter per day of a good book and 1 chapter from the Bible.  

3. Find a spiritual mentor

A great way to stay focused on your spiritual growth is by finding a mentor who has already achieved success in areas you'd like to be better at. Connecting with someone more experienced than you can give you insight into what it takes to succeed.

Find someone who is invested in helping you reach your goals and who will provide extra motivation and encouragement for you when times get tough. 

Who do you know that is further along than you in their walk with Christ and living in a way that you'd like to emulate?  Ask them if they'd be willing to chat over coffee sometime and tell them what you're thinking.  Start there and see if the relationship doesn't grow into more.

4. Make time for family and friends

Focusing solely on work can be detrimental if we forget about our social lives or the people depending the most on us. People need people— and men need men, in particular...more than they may like to admit.  So make sure that this year includes spending quality time with family members and friends who mean a lot to us.

Develop relationships with other men who can helps you maintain balance in your life and keep you grounded.  Seek out godly relationships this year and make time on your schedule to be a friend and to build stronger friendships with other men that God has placed in your life.

5. Pray More

Prayer is an essential part of any Christian man's life because it allows us to communicate directly with God without any barriers between us.  Make 2023 the year where you prioritize prayer by setting aside some specific times each day where you dedicate yourself solely towards praying & connecting with God! 

This could be first thing when waking up in the morning or right before going to bed at night - whatever works best for you.  I recommend starting and ending your day with your Father.  You need His strength, wisdom, and power to get you going and you ought to give Him thanks as you close your eyes and reflect on all the ways that He showed up for you that day.


Here's your challenge:  Pick just ONE!

No matter which choice you make for this coming year, remember that with God anything is possible! Your path - not your intentions - will help lead you somewhere.  Make sure that somewhere is the place you (and God!) want you to go! 

Let's work together towards making 2023 the best year yet by committing ourselves towards becoming closer with Him than ever before & by focusing on one specific discipline or habit for both our spiritual & physical growth!

This New Year gives us the perfect opportunity for us all to strive towards reaching our fullest potential as Christian men - both inside & out. 

May this year be your best year yet!


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