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How to Navigate Problems and Make Better Decisions

#discipline #strength Oct 23, 2023


We all have them. 

The problem with problems, however, is that we tend that the solution is too difficult to find.  But that's not usually the case.

The real problem is that we don’t always feel like we know what to do.  We feel stuck and wonder what actions to take in the moment.  When this happens, we often make mistakes or make the mistake of doing nothing at all.

To combat this…well...problem…we need some help.  Some tools that can help us make better decisions in the midst of the problems we face.

In today’s blog, we’ll talk about the surprising way that mottos, creeds, parables, stories, mantras and quips can help us make better decisions and navigate through problems more easily than we may think.

Making Progress With Problems

In his book, On War, Carl von Clausewitz says this:  “…everything is war simple, but the simple things are difficult.”

 How true that is!

For the most part, the problem isn’t typically hard to understand.  In fact, many times it’s clear as day!

For example, it’s simple to say that men should just “do what’s right” or “be a man of integrity”.  These are accurate and truthful things and it’s simple to understand. 

The problem, as we all know, is that these simple things are super difficult to do!

Why are they so difficult?

Because we are men.  We are human and, as such, we have weaknesses, shortfalls, and sin in our lives that makes the doing part harder than the understanding part so many times.

It’s as Admiral McCraven says in his book, The Wisdom of the Bullfrog, “…as difficult as leadership is, it is not complicated.”

In order, then, to make progress with our problems we must first dispel the idea that the problems we face are too difficult to understand or complex to figure out.  Is that true sometimes?  Sure.  But is that true most of the time?  No. 

We simply need to learn to do the difficult things we know we ought to do.

To help us with that, we turn to the surprising and often forgotten tools of mottos, creeds, parables, stories, and other similar means. 

Each of these tools helps us accomplish the same thing:  they help to reinforce behaviors that we need to take and provide us with an internal prompt or direction that can help us decide what to do in the middle of our uncertainty.  In short, these tools help us to determine what steps to take when we know we need to move.

Here are a few examples that Admiral McCraven gives in his book to help illustrate this from a military standpoint:

The Army Rangers use the saying, “Sua Sponte” - which means “Of Your Own Accord”

 British Special Air Service use the motto of “Who Dares Wins”

The Navy Seals mantra is “The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday”

What do each of these mottos or sayings do for these brave warriors?  The inspire action in the face of uncertainty, fear, or discouragement.  They propel them forward when action is required.

Fight Club Sayings 

In the same way, our men’s ministry - called Get In The Fight - uses sayings or mottos around our 4 Principles of The Fight Club.  Here’s what they are:

I am a man of HONOR: “I live with integrity in my private and public life and I keep the commitments that I’ve made to God and others.”

I am a man of DISCIPLINE: “I do the hard right thing - over the easy wrong thing - every time.”

I am a man of STRENGTH:  “I am spiritually, mentally, physically, relationally, and emotionally strong and I use my strength to help serve others.”

 I am a man of JOY: “I live my life to the fullest each and every day and my happiness and attitude is not controlled by my circumstances or feelings.”

Each and every day, men in our community pray through these sayings and mottos.  We ask God to empower us and help us to be these kind of men.  That is first and foremost.

In addition to that, we also begin to notice that the memorization of these sayings starts to direct our steps throughout the day and helps us to act in a way that is in line with our goals for life.

For example, let's say that a man is tempted to look at images that he knows he should turn away from.   It is not complicated to know what he should do.  He should (obviously) just turn away or turn it off.  But understanding what to do isn’t the hard part (as we’ve discussed).  It’s simple to understand but it is difficult for many men to do.  In this case, the saying, “I live with integrity in my private life…” can help that man act on what he knows to do.  So might the saying, “I do the hard right thing every time!”.

Similarly, when a man is in relational conflict with someone in his home or at his work, the saying, “I am a man of strength…I am relationally strong…” can help steer him toward acting in a way that is congruent with that statement.


In short, sayings, parables and mantras like these have a place in our lives.  It is much more than just “positive statements” or “speak it into existence” nonsense.  There is a real power that men can tap into when they combine the use of tools like these with the power of Christ and the Holy Spirit within him to do the things he knows and truly wants to do.

Understanding what to do about the problem isn’t usually the hard part.  Doing the hard right things is!  If that’s you today, then find some sayings or mottos that can help inspire you to move in the direction of becoming the man that God meant for you to be!


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