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5 Powerful Ways to Reflect, Evaluate, and Finish the Year Strong

#honor #joy Dec 04, 2023

As the year draws to a close, it's the perfect time for Christian men to pause, reflect, and evaluate the past year's journey.  What went well?  What didn't?  What's next?

Taking stock of our accomplishments, challenges, and growth can provide the insights we need in order to live bigger, better lives in the coming year.

So, here are five powerful ways for you to reflect, evaluate, and finish the year strong - helping you set the stage for a more purposeful and impactful year ahead.

5 Ways To Reflect, Evaluate, and Finish Strong

  1. Journaling for Clarity and Gratitude:

    One of the most effective ways to reflect on the past year is by keeping a journal. Take some time each day this month to jot down your thoughts, experiences, and feelings as you reflect on your successes and challenges from this past year, and write about the lessons you've learned.

    Not only is writing down your thoughts important, but practicing gratitude is also an essential aspect of the Christian life and the growth of a man. So take the month of December to write down every day just three things you're thankful for God doing in your life.

  2. Spiritual Self-Assessment:

    As Christian men, our spiritual growth is the most important aspect of our lives. Take some time to assess your spiritual journey over the past year. Have you grown closer to God? Are there areas in your spiritual life that need improvement? What are they?  Be specific and honest.

    Next, reflect on your prayer life, Bible study, and involvement in your church community or men's ministry like Get In The Fight. Consider setting spiritual goals for the upcoming year:  things such as reading through the entire Bible, leading a men's group of some kind, doing devotions as a family 1-2 nights a week, etc.

  3. Reviewing Personal Goals and Achievements:

    Now is the time to review the goals you set for yourself at the beginning of the year. Take an honest look at your progress. Celebrate the goals you've achieved and acknowledge any that may have fallen by the wayside.

    Use this time of evaluation to determine what worked, what didn't, and why it didn't. With this insight, you can set more achievable and meaningful goals for the upcoming year.

    By the way, if you're thinking, "Goals?  What goals?"  Then maybe its time to set some!  Write down some ideas and start thinking and praying about the new year and what God would have you pursue.  
  4. Learning from Challenges and Setbacks:

    Every year comes with its share of challenges and setbacks. What were some of yours?

    Instead of dwelling on the negatives, however, focus on what you've learned from these experiences. Consider the ways in which challenges have helped you grow, change for the better, and become more like Christ.

    Reflect on how your God has guided you through tough times this past year and consider His perspective of them. This change of perspective will empower you to face future challenges with greater courage and wisdom.

  5. Creating a Personal Growth Plan:

    As you wrap up the year, craft a personal growth plan that encompasses all areas of your life – physical, mental, emotional, relational, and spiritual. Set specific, measurable goals for each category. For instance, commit to a regular exercise routine, dedicate specific time to get into God's Word each day, plan things that bring you joy, find ways to grow your key relationships, and establish a consistent pattern for growth for each area.

    By being intentional in every aspect of your life, you'll be better equipped to live a more fulfilling and God-honoring life in the next year.


Reflecting on the past year and evaluating your experiences is a powerful practice that can help you to not only finish the year strong but also set the stage for an amazing year ahead. As Christian men, we are called to continuously grow and become the men God meant for us to be. By incorporating journaling, spiritual self-assessment, reviewing goals, learning from challenges, and creating a personal growth plan, you'll find yourself on the path that leads to a bigger, better life.  That's something worth pursuing each and every year!


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