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Remember when...? 50 things men need to do once again.

It seems as if every older generation feels like the current generation is lacking some of the basic things that made life better for them "back in the good old days".  

Maybe they're right!

One of the things you often hear people say when they feel that way is, "Remember when people used to...." and then they tell you all the things that they wish people would do again to help make the world a better place.

With that in mind, we're going to remember some of these old-fashioned ideas and share 50 things that would make the world a better place in 2024 if Christian men would re-embrace them and make these practice normal once again.

Remember when....

Remember when men used to:

  1. Hold the door open for others.
  2. Offer their seat to someone else.
  3. Give up their seat for the elderly or pregnant women.
  4. Help someone with their heavy bags or luggage.
  5. Write a handwritten thank-you note to show their appreciation.
  6. Say "please" and "thank you" regularly.
  7. Offered a sincere compliment to someone else.
  8. Be good listeners during conversations.
  9. Shake a man's hand with a strong handshake and look him in the eyes while talking.
  10. Said "I love you" to family and friends.
  11. Volunteered their time to help people in need.
  12. Gave sacrificially to their church.
  13. Offered a warm smile and "hello" to strangers.
  14. Gave up their place in line at the store to someone with just a few items.
  15. Held up an umbrella for someone in the rain.
  16. Returned lost items to their owners.
  17. Offered assistance to someone struggling with directions.
  18. Visited the sick or elderly in nursing homes.
  19. Got a group together to go caroling during Christmas.
  20. Paid for the coffee or the meal of the person behind them in line.
  21. Said "Merry Christmas!" 
  22. Sent get-well cards to people recovering from illnesses or went and visited them in the hospital.
  23. Helped a neighbor in need.
  24. Walked a lady to her car and opened the door for her.
  25. Was respectful and patient with customer service representatives.
  26. Respected other people's opinions, even when they were different from your own.
  27. Took their hats off when they went inside as a show of respect.
  28. Taught someone a new skill or hobby that came easy to you.
  29. Told the truth - even when it hurt.
  30. Honored the elderly and protected the innocent.
  31. Complimented another parent on their well-behaved children.
  32. Never missed church except for unusual circumstances.
  33. Supported local businesses and communities they live in.
  34. Pull out the chair for their woman to sit.
  35. Bowed their head to pray.
  36. Forgave others for their mistakes.
  37. Were respectful during sporting events as a player and also in the stands.
  38. Treated people with respect no matter who they were or what they looked like or where they came from.
  39. Shared what they could with others.
  40. Offered to mow a neighbor's lawn or shoveled their sidewalks to just lend a helping hand.
  41. Said "Yes sir" or "Yes ma'am"
  42. Encouraged someone who was pursuing their dreams.
  43. Left an area better than how they found it.
  44. Read books for fun.
  45. Appreciated what they had and were content with their lot in life.
  46. Weren't so angry when they were driving down the highway.
  47. Celebrated the achievements and successes of others.
  48. Weren't in such a hurry all the time.
  49. Stood for the flag and placed their hand on their heart for the pledge of allegiance.
  50. Honored God with their lives.

Remember when men used to do those things?

Let's do more of that again!  Let it begin with us!  

Be the man God meant for you to be and help make 2024 the best year yet - for you, your family, and the world around you!






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