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How to respond to the sexualization of our children in public schools.

#honor #strength Jun 19, 2023

As Christian men, we are called to uphold godly values and to provide a voice of morality in our society. However, we are currently facing an alarming situation where school systems are promoting and allowing - no, pushing! - sexualized content in our schools and into our children's lives.

This issue is deeply concerning.  Especially for Christian families who want to raise their children with moral, biblical values and protect them from the evil that is being promoted so forcefully today in our communities.

But what can we do?

What should our response be as Christian men who are fighting for our children?

In this blog post, we will discuss three things Christian men can do to address this issue.


1. Pray that God will do what only he can do.

As Christian men, we know that our battle is not against flesh and blood but against the powers of darkness. Praying, then, is an essential weapon we can use in our fight against ungodly influences in our schools.  In fact, in ought to be our first and most frequent response!

What we should pray is that God will open the eyes of the school administrators and school board members to see the negative impacts that sexualized content has on our children's morality, mental health, and overall well-being. We should also pray that God will give us the courage and wisdom to stand up for what is right.

Prayer is our first line of defense, and it can change the course of the battle.  On our own, we have no power to stop this.  But God can.  So we turn to him.


2. Rally like-minded families to voice our opinions respectfully.

As Christian men, we should not underestimate the power of our collective voices. Here are a few ways that we may consider doing this.

1) We should rally like-minded families to voice our concerns about the promotion of sexualized content in our schools. We can do this by attending school board meetings together - in person - and voicing our opinions respectfully or doing silent protests together to voice our objections.

2) We can also write letters and emails to the school board, principal, and teachers expressing our concern and suggesting alternative ways of educating our children without compromising their morality or innocence. We must let them know that we will not stand for this and that they should not either.

3) We can also create parent groups that can advocate for our children's rights for a safe and respectful environment in our schools.

4) We can fight it in the courts by finding public advocates and helping raise money and awareness for lawyers and attorneys who are fighting for our children's rights and do what we can to support them in their work.


3. Get involved by joining local school boards or positions of influence.

As Christian men, we should be the salt and light of the earth, and this includes being more involved in the decision-making processes of our society.

By joining local school boards or other positions of influence in our home towns, we can have a direct impact on the policies and practices of our schools. We can use our knowledge, skills, and godly values to influence the decisions that are being made regarding the education of our children.

We should also encourage and support other Christian men to run for positions of influence in their communities as well.  Getting involved used to be an option for us.  Buy today, it's a must!

The promotion and abusive push of sexualized content in our local schools is a deeply concerning issue for all Christian families - whether our kids are directly impacted or not. 

As Christian men, we are called to uphold godly values and to be the moral conscience of our society. Therefore, we should pray, rally like-minded families, and get involved by joining local school boards or run for positions of influence. We should not be silent in the face of ungodly attacks like these any longer. Instead, we should be the voice of reason and the agents of change that our society needs so desperately right now.

It's time to Get In The Fight and these are a few ways that we can.


What else?  What else can we do?  What did I miss? 

Please comment or join the conversation on Twitter or Instagram and let us know!


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