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3 Ways Christian Men Must Stand Up to Culture Before It's Too Late

#honor #strength Nov 13, 2023

In a rapidly changing world, the culture we live in is presenting daily challenges to Christian values and principles.

As Christian men, it is crucial for us to stand firm in our faith (1 Cor. 16:13-14) and to take a bold stance against the prevailing cultural norms that contradict biblical truth and what once was thought of as common sense.

There is no more time to wait and no more time to waste.

If men will act, we can make a positive impact on our families, communities, and society at large. But if we fail to - our time may run out.

To keep that from happening, here are three essential ways that Christian men can - and must! - stand up to culture before it's too late:

1. Embrace Biblical Manhood:

In a culture that is blurring the lines of gender roles and masculinity, it is vital for Christian men to embrace and exemplify biblical manhood.

God created men and women with unique purposes and roles, and both are equally valuable in His sight as well as in society. As Christian men, we should strive, then, to be servant leaders, just as Jesus exemplified during His earthly ministry.

In standing up to culture, we boldly reject the notion that manhood is synonymous with dominance or selfishness or any other degrading description. Instead, we should remind the world of God's plan by embodying qualities such as humility, compassion, and self-sacrifice. 

By leading with love and integrity in our families, workplaces, and communities, we can counter cultural stereotypes and demonstrate God's design for true manhood.

2. Defend the Sanctity of Marriage and Family:

We live in a culture that undermines the sanctity of marriage and family.  In fact, many in our world today are utterly opposed to these God-ordained functions.

Christian men must be vocal advocates once again for these foundational institutions.

Marriage, as established by God, is a sacred covenant between a man and a woman. It provides a stable foundation for raising children in an environment filled with love, security, and godly values.  Any other form of marriage than this simply cannot be affirmed or celebrated.

To stand up to culture, Christian men must uphold the importance of faithfulness and commitment in marriage. By cherishing our wives, honoring our vows, and prioritizing our families, we can set an example that defies the prevalent attitude of disposable relationships and show the world, once again, the beauty of God's design.

As we protect and nurture our families, we can create a ripple effect that positively impacts future generations to come.

3. Engage in Positive Cultural Influence:

The key word here is ENGAGE.

Christian men must not retreat from culture any longer, but engage it with a positive influence and strong backbone.

We must be a light in the darkness by actively participating in various spheres of society, such as our workplaces, schools, and social circles. Our conduct, speech, and actions should and must align with biblical principles - thus, demonstrating God's love and grace and Good News to those around us.

By engaging in meaningful conversations (and avoiding foolish arguments and worthless debates), we can share the hope and truth found in the Gospel. Instead of being swayed by cultural trends, we can be instruments of change and hope for a better world before it's too late.

Our involvement and active engagement can make a tangible difference and inspire others to follow Christ.


As Christian men, we are called to be influencers and change-makers in a world that is drifting (or sprinting) away from God's truth. By embracing biblical manhood, defending the sanctity of marriage and family, and engaging in positive cultural influence, we can stand up to the prevailing culture before it's too late.

Our commitment to living out God's principles will not only shape us into better men but also inspire others who are looking for a deeper relationship with Christ as well.

It's time for us to rise up to the challenge with unwavering faith in God's plan.  He is coming soon and this world is growing darker.  However, until that day, we can make an impact on our culture and leave a legacy of hope for our children and grandchildren and do our part while we still have time today.


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