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Stay: 4 Reasons You Should Face Your Problems Head On

strength Jan 16, 2023

Let's face is hard sometimes. 

In fact, sometimes it can be brutally hard.

In many cases, it’s easier for us to run away from our problems and try to forget about them rather than face them head on. I know I have done this and been tempted to do this more times than I can count!  I bet you may have some stories, too.

But if we want to become better men of faith - men who are becoming more of the man that God had in mind when he made us - then there are at least four reasons why we ought to stand up and fight against our emotional pull to run away from our problems and painful situations.

Consider these 4 reasons.

Reason #1: You Gain Strength Through Overcoming Difficulties

Problems bring out the best in us when we choose to stay and fight. I wish there was an easier way, but there really isn't. 

The Bible tells us that those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength (Isaiah 40:31). This means that going through difficult times can actually make us stronger because we gain wisdom and perspective that we may have missed otherwise. We also learn how to manage our stress levels better and work through difficult emotions as result of staying put.

Not only that, but having gone through a problem and choosing to stay rather than run also gives you a sense of accomplishment and empowers you the next time a difficult situation arises.  When you stay and grow, you get stronger and are more capable of taking on the next challenge you'll face.


Reason #2: It Teaches You How To Be Resilient

When you choose to stay, rather than run away from problems, you develop resilience - an invaluable skill set which will help you throughout your life in so many ways.

Resilience helps us bounce back from adversity - no matter what life throws at us. It also teaches us how to think more clearly and how to make better decisions even when we are in a tough spot and don't know what to do. 

In other words, by choosing not to run away from your problems, you become more prepared for future struggles down the line!  You grow as a man and build a hardened character that can withstand any storms.

Reason #3: It Forces You To Grow As A Man Of Faith

As men of faith, it's important that we grow spiritually so that we may be able to handle life’s struggles with grace and courage. Running away from our problems won't give us this opportunity - but staying put will.

By pushing through the difficulties that life brings our way, we are able to draw closer to God and rely on Him as our true source of strength - something we cannot do if we don't take the time to confront our issues head on! This allows us to deepen our relationship with God while also giving us insight into how He works in all aspects of life - even during the toughest of times.

The more we stay when every impulse says to run - the stronger we grow in our love and trust of Christ!


Reason #4: It Gives Us A Sense Of Accomplishment And Pride

Finally, facing your problems head-on gives you a sense of accomplishment after overcoming them and choosing to stay and fight. Once you come out on top of a situation that seemed impossible before, your confidence levels will grow as well.

This newfound self-assurance can motivate you even further; allowing for greater success in other areas of your life.  As we all know, our physical and spiritual lives are fully integrated.  So when you gain strength in one area it spreads to other areas too.  (The same goes when we embrace running away and weakness, too.  Whatever you plant in your life will grow deep roots.)

Taking ownership of your life and choosing to stay in the hard battles is another way of showing humility as well. God will definitely grow you when you humble yourself and stay in the fight.  Ultimately, there is an immense sense of pride that can only be gained by standing up against your problems instead of running away.


In the end, life is full of challenges but they don't have to be insurmountable obstacles and they can (and do!) provide tons of purpose and meaning to our lives. The problems we face and take on as men can be opportunities for growth and development if we choose not to run away but instead face our problems head on!

By doing so, we gain strength emotionally and spiritually while also learning resilience and patience - which will benefit us throughout our journey ahead!

So don't let fear keep you from tackling life's struggles.  Embrace them head on instead so that you can come out victorious and stronger on the other side!


What situations are you in right now that are tempting you to run - but you know you should stay?  


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