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4 Ways To Embrace True Masculinity

masculinity strength Feb 27, 2023

It can be easy for men to forget what true masculinity really is or what it looks like in action. Too often we're surrounded by messages that tell us that real men are self-serving, aggressive, and power-hungry. To be a man, you must be rowdy, curse like a sailor, and look down on the weak.

But this simply isn't the case.

The Bible reminds us that true masculinity is about sacrificially serving people in need—selflessly giving of ourselves for the benefit of others. It's about dying to yourself for the benefit of others.  That is the essence of the Christian life and true masculinity.

So what does this look like in a practical sense?

Here are four ways that Christian men can demonstrate what true masculinity actually looks like.

Love Sacrificially

The Bible tells us that the greatest form of love is sacrificial love. When we choose to lay down our own desires in order to serve others, we show them the love of Christ through our actions. This can be done in small ways such as helping someone carry a heavy load (emotionally, physically, or spiritually) or offering a listening ear when they need one. Even small acts of kindness can have a powerful impact on those around us.

When we love others and it costs us something - especially when it costs us a lot - we show the world what true love looks like.  Scriptures say that when Christians love other believers like this, it will show the world what the love of Christ looks like (and is like) in a tangible way.

So where are you serving in a way that is costing you something?  Financially, with your time, with your energy, with your resources, etc?  If you want to embrace the way of a man, then you must learn to give - even when or if it hurts.


Be an Example for Others

Our words and our actions as Christian men should always point others towards God’s truth and grace. Paul, in his writings, often appealed to these two things when he wrote to the early Church.  In the same way, we should be mindful of what we say and do in front of others, especially younger generations who are forming their ideas about manhood from the examples they see in us.

We are all setting an example of what we think manhood looks like.  You probably don't think of it consciously like that, but people are watching how you live.  Your family and friends certainly are.  Imagine what it would be like if Christian men embraced true masculinity and began to set an example for others to see what it looks like in everyday ways. 

What might that look like?  

We'd see men leading their families in worship.  Setting an example in prayer.  Showing others how to fall in love and stay married to their wives.  Demonstrating what it looks like to stay physically strong and using that strength to help give more freely of our energy and time to things that make the bigggest difference to others.

On and on the ideas could go.  But what do you think?  What are some ways that you can be a better example for the people watching your life?

Support Your Church Financially

Another great way for Christian men to serve others is by supporting their church financially. Whether it’s through giving donations or by tithing regularly, financial support helps churches remain vibrant and strong so they can better serve their congregations and communities.

What does this have to do with true masculinity?  I'd argue that it has a lot to do with it.

Men are leaders in our homes.  But when it comes to God and money - we still have problems.  Far too many men have made excuses for why they can't give more to their local church even when research shows that their wives would be willing to.  Many women say that they just don't want to "push him too far on this issue" and so they pray and wait for their husbands to take the lead and give sacrificially from their hearts. 

This isn't meant to shame you (that doesn't work to change people anyway!), but to help you to stop and consider how important it is that you get your spiritual life in line with God's.  Men need to step up to the plate - the offering plate in this case - and show their families and their local church that they are all-in for what God has for them. For many men, the financial hurdle is one of the last to get over.  But when you do, God begins to do more through you!

It’s important for all Christian men to do their part when it comes to supporting their church financially—so make sure you’re doing your part too!


Show Grace & Patience Towards Others

We have all been given so much undeserved grace by God.  Can I get an amen?!  So, no matter what our past may be like, it’s important that we extend that same grace towards others – even when they don’t deserve it.  Because, let's be honest - who of us truly "deserves" anything good from God?  

Demonstrating patience and understanding for people's shortcomings shows humility and strength at the same time – two qualities that Christian men should strive for every day.  

In light of the incredible grace that's been given to us, we ought to extend the same to others.  If the Golden Rule was, "Treat others the way you'd like to be treated." - then the Platinum Rule would be, "Treat others the way Christ has treated you!".  That is the way of the truly masculine man.  

Show as much grace and patience with others as Christ has shown to you.  Consider who needs more of this in their life today and do unto them as He has done to you.


True masculinity isn’t about power or control.  It’s about sacrificing ourselves for the benefit of others around us - just as Christ did for us on the cross.  As Christian men, it’s important that we lead with love and compassion while being examples of grace and patience towards everyone, regardless of their circumstances or past mistakes. The challenge each day is to embody these qualities so that we can become the kind of men that God meant for us to be.  Truly masculine and more like Jesus.


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