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How to have a stronger marriage and sex life: The Ultimate Intimacy App

#honor #joy Nov 27, 2023

As Christian men, we understand that a strong and fulfilling marriage is the foundation for a resilient family and a vibrant faith in our lives and the lives of our children and grandchildren.

Yet, in the hustle and bustle of life, maintaining the deep connection and intimacy that marriage demands can sometimes - no, scratch that - will be a challenge. That's where The Ultimate Intimacy App steps in and can help you like it has helped me.

I discovered this app back in 2022 and found it to be a powerful tool to help foster stronger bonds, better communication about sex and romance, and saw how it could help reignite the passion that oftentimes goes missing even great marriages.

In today's conversation, I want to introduce you to this app and look at some of the different elements and overarching themes of it and share how it may help you to thrive in your marriage, too.

The Big Elements of The Ultimate Intimacy App

1. Communication: The Pillar of Genuine Connection

In the fast-paced modern world that we live in, effective communication is a challenge for those who want better, stronger marriages. Think about it:  how often do you and your wife have deep, meaningful conversations?  Most of the time, its just short, concise, simple connections - and that's ok. 

But, when and how, exactly, do you find the time to truly connect and communicate more deeply?

The Ultimate Intimacy app gives you tools to facilitate open dialogue and listen deeply to our wife while creating communication where your needs and issues can be heard as well. 

Challenge: Initiate a conversation with your wife this week where you really communicate and talk.  Not sure how?  Check out The Ultimate Intimacy app in our online store in the "Married Eyes Only" section.

2. Emotional Intimacy: Strengthening the Bond

One of the key aspects of this app is that it delves into emotional intimacy, teaching us men to comprehend, appreciate, and support our wives on a different level.

Let's face it, most men aren't very connected to their emotions and, in turn, we're not very connected to our wives' emotions either.  This is a mistake and something we need help with.  

In The Ultimate Intimacy app, you will find a lot of helpful tools and conversations such as their Conversation Starters, Language of Love Quiz, and other resources and articles that I think can help you connect at a deeper level with your wife.  

Just remember:  your job is to serve her and give her what she needs.  If you will learn to do that better, you just may find that your needs are better met in the end!  

Challenge: Set aside a dedicated evening this week for a "heart-to-heart" conversation with your spouse. Discuss her dreams, fears, and aspirations for the future.  Let it be just about her and see how she responds in the next few hours or days to your attention.

3. Romantic Pursuits: Nurturing Passion and Connection

When you think "romance" what comes to mind?

Sex.  Roses.  Sex.  Dinner date.  Sex. 

Yes...but, that's not what this section is about and that's not what romance probably means to your lady.  Like emotional connection, your wife likely wants more romance too.  You can either roll your eyes or embrace this as what godly men do for their woman they've committed to serve and love and protect.

With the app's guidance, you will find help to grow in your romance by engaging in creative date nights, affectionate gestures, and love notes, spicy texts through the app that you can share privately with her, and more.  

Challenge: Plan a surprise date night for sometime this month that centers around your wife's interests and desires and surprise her with a hand-written note that reminds her of how much you love and appreciate and still desire her today.

4. Sexual Intimacy: Cultivating Physical and Emotional Unity

Finally!  Let's get to the good stuff, right!?

I hear ya.

Navigating the realm of sexual intimacy can be tricky even in good/great marriages.  Yet, The Ultimate Intimacy app offers insights and exercises to foster a deeper, more fulfilling sex with your wife.

If you've ever thought things like this, then this app may be worth checking out:

  • "I'd like to spice up our routine a bit but don't know how to bring it up to my wife."
  • "I don't want to search the internet for sex positions to try because I know it will bring up junk I don't want to see."
  • "Is it ok if we.....??"
  • "I don't know much about this stuff and I'd like to learn more but not offend God or my walk with Christ."

This is the key idea behind the app:  no nudity, no pornography - but real ideas and real conversations for Christian marriages only.  

Challenge: Initiate a heartfelt conversation about your sexual desires and boundaries with your wife. Use this blog post to start the conversation if that's helpful or download the free app and ask her to do the same and then talk about it together.  If it's not for you - that's ok.  But hopefully it opens up real conversations for you to help you connect even more.

5. Spiritual Connection: United in Faith

Incorporating faith into our marriage is paramount and here's what may surprise you:

God made sex and he's good with you having it and enjoying it and using it for what its intended for --- within the bounds of a committed, Christian, heterosexual covenant with your one wife.  

Sex has been hijacked by the devil and, as a result, many people see it as bad, gross, or inappropriate to discuss.  But that was never the original intent.  Sex is a gift to marriage to help you connect, grow, and sacrificially love one another as you point one another to an intimate, deep love for God.  Help your marriage but reclaiming what's been lost and have the best marriage you can have!

Challenge: Dedicate a specific time each day this week for a brief prayer together with your wife - seeking God's blessings and guidance for your marriage and praying a blessing over her life.


Not everyone is comfortable with an app like The Ultimate Intimacy app or conversations about sex.  That's ok.  If it offends you or causes division in your home or your heart - just ignore this idea and work hard with other tools and ideas that you are comfortable with to make your marriage stronger.

But....if you feel like I do and you want a tool to help you grow in your communication with your wife, bond with her emotionally like you haven't been able to in a long time, become more romantic and reach her heart in new ways, find ways to spice up your love life and make sex fun and adventurous again, and you want to deeper your spiritual connection with her - then give the app a try!  It just may renew something special in your heart and in your home that's been missing for much too long.


Know a friend (or two) who are struggling in their marriage and think this article may help?  Forward it to them and tell them to check it out!

Want to hear more from the founders of The Ultimate Intimacy app - Nick and Amy?  Click here to listen to Podcast #30 and our conversation with them about these very things!


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