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What's a man FOR?

honor man strength May 15, 2023

Want to listen to more of this conversation?  Subscribe & Listen to Podcast Episode #9


Have you ever seen something that you're not familiar with and thought, "I wonder what's for?"  Or, "I wonder what that does?!"

I was driving in my truck the other day with my youngest daughter.  She hasn't been allowed to sit up in the front, passenger side seat yet because she's too short and it's against the law (and unsafe).  But as she's gotten taller and older, we've been able to let her do this more (much to her great delight since she can now have a seat with a warmer for the cold winter months here in Michigan!).

As we were driving along the other day she began to go through the glovebox.  She kept pulling things out and was asking over and over, "What is this?!"  "What does this do?"  "What's this in here for?".  There were things like our insurance and registration packet, paperwork from service that's been done on the truck from our local body shop, a bottle of supplements that someone put in there and forgot to take out, and other random stuff (mostly useless junk).

One random piece, in particular, was a small, square, plastic part that was in a small Ziploc bag.  She asked what it was and I honestly didn't know.  I was pretty sure it was a part that the body shop put in there after fixing something recently, but I really wasn't sure what it was or what it was for.

What's A Man For?

In a similar way, have you ever wondered, "What's a man for?"

For most of us, probably now.  We just sort of exist and know what we are.

But think about that question for a second.  What would you say to someone who asked you?

When we look at most things in life, the answer is pretty clear. 

A key, for example:  it was designed for opening a door or starting a car or getting into a lock.  It's fairly straightforward and clear.  They're designed to open or close something.

Same goes for an eye.  It was designed to help you to see.  We know what an eye is for.

But when it comes to being a man...well, the world is screaming many things and its causing some confusion.

Design Leads To Purpose

In John Eldredge's book, Wild at Heart,  he says this:  "If you know what something was designed to do, then you know its purpose in life.  A retriever loves the water; a lion loves the hunt; a hawk loves to soar.  It's what they're made for."

But what about you?  When you think of you - what are you made for?

John goes on to say that there are 3 things we (men) are made for.

1. An Adventure

"Most men think they are simply here on earth to kill time - and it's killing them!"   John is right.  

God has made men for adventure and exploration and for conquering.  Don't think so?  Just watch a group of young boys play.  Or think about what you were like when you were younger. 

What were you like?  What did you do?  You probably climbed stuff and jumped off - picturing it as a large tower or castle.  Or maybe you were the hero in a game and it all came down to you to make the last shot or do something epic to win the game.

Men were made for adventure, but (sadly) along the way, we've lost our sense of this and it's killing us.

2. A Fight

"Why does a man long for a fight?  Because when we enter the story in Genesis, we step into a world at war."

It doesn't take much to look around you and know how true this is.  Our world is a mess right now and its getting worse by the day.  Why is that?  Because evil exists and the devil's time is limited. 

The devil and his cronies are running out of time and they're at war against the King of Kings.  That means, we - the King's subjects - are at war too.  As John goes on to say, "This is not Home Improvement; it's Saving Private Ryan."

Men are made to fight for the Kingdom but most of us don't even know there's a war going on.  (Listen to Podcast Episode #15 for more on this important conversation)

3. A Beauty to Rescue

Why are men designed for a beauty to rescue?  Because God made Eve as - a "lifesaver" for Adam.  Or as a  "helper" is probably more accurately translated.  What that means is that the devil wants to destroy what God has given as the primary means to help us out.

Not only that, but the heart of Eve needs rescued and saved by strong men.  The devil knows this and the great battle for our hearts and for hers - is at stake.

The problem is this:  we were made to serve and rescue a woman's heart but we don't know how and we don't know what to do.

What Men Have Become

So what happens to us when we don't know what we're here for?  Two big things that we see in most men.

1. We go PASSIVE

The great sin in the Garden of Eden wasn't that Eve let us down.  It was that Adam did!  When the devil is tempting Eve - where was he?  

Answer:  RIGHT. THERE!  Right beside here - doing nothing about it!

Adam went passive and many of us men have done the same ever since.   As the old adage goes, "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree!"

2. We become POSERS

Men are afraid of being exposed as a "not a real man".  It's our greatest fear.  So what do we do when we get afraid?  We try to "fake it before we make it".

We pretend to be strong by getting bigger muscles, bigger trucks, bigger bank accounts, brag about having a bigger (you know what), and on and on it goes.

But what are we really when we do this?  Posers.  Frauds.  Fakes.

In the end, poser men won't commit to their wives or much of anything else.  They are afraid to fight if they're not guaranteed to win.  They don't do hard things and they become passive, wimpy men.

What Do We Do Now?

So what do we do?  How can we recover our hearts and become the men that God meant for us to be?

One thing you can do is simply start out by thinking about your DESIRES.  As John says in the book, "Desires Reveal Design".

Think about it:  What are your favorite movies?  What are your favorite books or manly tasks that make you feel good about your role as a man?

More importantly, think about WHY these make you feel the way they do.  What do these things reveal about your design?

Secondly, learn to be honest about this.

First, with yourself.  You may need to say to yourself, "Self: you're afraid and you know it.  You're hiding.  But NO MORE!  It's time to fight."

Next, be honest with God.  As Jesus has said, "The truth shall set you free."  When you're able to get real and honest about these things you'll be in a better position to come to God and say, "I need your help, Father."  And he gladly will!


So what's a man for?  What's he designed for and put on earth to do?

At Get In The Fight, we pursue this answer by daily praying that God will make us men of Honor, men of Discipline, men of Strength, and men of Joy.  As we fight for this each day, we find ourselves living out our design and purpose more and more.  We start to pursue Adventure, The Fight, and The Beauty to rescue more like we were intended to do.

But here's your caution:  Don't try to fight on your own!  Make Christ your priority and then join a group of men who will fight for you and with you too.  Together, with Jesus as the center - you can become the man God meant for you to be and help your brother in his fight as well.


Click here to listen to more of this conversation at the Get In The Fight Podcast - Episode #9.


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