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Juggling Work, Family, and Faith: 7 Ideas For Busy Christian Men

Uncategorized Nov 20, 2023

I get it – life is like juggling flaming swords sometimes, isn't it?

Between the demands of work, the joys (and chaos) of family, and the need to live out our faith, it's a challenge to say the least! 

But fear not, because you're not alone, and we've got your back. Let's talk about some battle-tested strategies to help you navigate work, family, and faith and ultimately live a better, bigger life.

7 Key Ideas For Busy Christian Men

1. Prioritize with Purpose

"In his heart, a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps." - Proverbs 16:9

As men of purpose, we understand the importance of priorities. For busy men, there may nothing more important than getting clarity around what matters most and then implementing a plan to make sure those things happen each and every day.

Start by setting clear priorities that align with God's Word. Seek His guidance in determining what truly matters to Him first.  Then, allocate your time and energy to the most crucial areas – faith, family, and work – without compromising.  That's the key!  Other things in your life may just have to go or go unattended when you start living by your priorities. (and that's ok!) 

2. Unplug to Connect

"I have set the Lord always before me." - Psalm 16:8

In this digital age, it's vital to unplug to truly connect.  But let's be honest - how well and how often do you  even do this?

When you're with your family, be present. Put away the distractions and engage in quality time with them. Similarly, when it's time for your faith practices (Fight Club Gatherings, Strike Force groups, Sunday church services, etc), immerse yourself without the distraction of emails or notifications or social media.

Your relationships, both earthly and spiritual ones, will start to thrive when you give them your undivided and fullest attention.

3. Master the Art of Delegation

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." - Philippians 4:13

A true man knows his limits and is wise enough to delegate.  Even Moses had to learn how to do this - so you're in good company if you struggle with this, too!

Don't hesitate to delegate tasks at work or involve your family in shared responsibilities where other people can help carry the load. Remember, seeking help doesn't make you weaker; it empowers others and builds stronger bonds.  

Delegate everything you can that doesn't bring you energy and joy.  

4. Build Routines, Not Chains

"Let all things be done decently and in order." - 1 Corinthians 14:40

Routines are like the armor of a warrior.  They protect us and keep us safe.

So, establish routines that work for you – from morning devotions to family dinners and focused work hours. Why?  Because these routines provide structure and stability and will allow you to be intentional in each area of your life.

Lay out an "ideal week" and place as many routines in your calendar as possible to keep you from overthinking and help you stay focused and sharp.

5. Quality Over Quantity

"Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church." - Ephesians 5:25

It's not about the quantity of time that you're with your family; it's about the quality of your presence.

Make every moment count with your wife and family. Create memories, engage in heart-to-heart conversations, laugh and have fun with them, and demonstrate your love through actions.

Don't just "be around".  Be truly engaged and connected when you're with them.

6. Learn the Power of 'No'

"But let your 'Yes' be 'Yes,' and your 'No,' 'No.'" - Matthew 5:37

Being a man of integrity means knowing when to say 'no.' As men, we don't do this hardly enough!

Don't overcommit to work or other obligations at the expense of your family and faith. Instead, prioritize your time and say 'no' when necessary to protect the sacred balance you're striving to achieve.

In fact, practice saying no more often.  It'll do you good and help you live a better, bigger life in the end.

7. Seek Accountability

"Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor." - Ecclesiastes 4:9

Join forces with like-minded brothers (like our Fight Club) who understand the challenges you face as a busy Christian man. Establish an accountability group or join one that's already established where you can share your triumphs and struggles, joys and pains. Together, you can inspire and support each other to stay strong in your faith and help one another keep the commitments you've made to God and others.

You can do it on your own.  But you'll never go as far or do as well as you could have with the help from other men on the same journey as you are!


As Christian men, the juggle of work, family, and faith is an honorable challenge. It's a testament to your dedication, strength, and love for God and others. But to do it and live your best life you'll need purpose, intentionality, and reliance on God to master this juggling act and win.

Remember, you're not just a juggler – you're a man of God that He's created with a great purpose and plan in mind.  Seek Him first in all you do and He will help guide you along the way.


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