
Cultivating a strong prayer life

Oct 31, 2023

ONE topic each Tuesday with 2 quick thoughts, 2 quick quotes, and 2 quick actions covered in 2 minutes or less:


"The fastest way for Christian men to stay focused and stay in the fight."


Topic: Cultivating a Strong Prayer Life

2 Thoughts:

1. Prayer is like a bridge between our humanity and God's divinity. It's a sacred conversation where we open our hearts to Him and He, in turn, opens His to us.

It's easy to forget the power of prayer. Heck, its easy just to remember to pray at all!  But prayer is not just about making requests; it's about connecting your heart with God's, allowing His wisdom and will to become your own.  We simply cannot live bigger, better lives apart from a strong prayer life with Him.


2.  "The more you pray, the less you'll panic. The more you worship, the less you worry. "

- Rick Warren

Many men are plagued with worry,...

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Unleashing Your Potential

Oct 24, 2023

ONE topic each Tuesday with 2 quick thoughts, 2 quick quotes, and 2 quick actions covered in 2 minutes or less:


"The fastest way for Christian men to stay focused and stay in the fight."


Topic: Unleashing Your Potential

2 Thoughts:

1. Unlocking Your God-Given Gifts

Every Christian man was given gifts when he turned to Jesus to be saved. It's our responsibility from that day forward to discover and develop these gifts to be used for the glory of God and building up of His Church. Take a moment, then, to reflect on your strengths and talents and the ways that you are uniquely positioned to do as much good as possible with them.


2.  Overcoming Self-Doubt

Sometimes, the biggest obstacle to unleashing our potential is the voice of self-doubt that screams at us in our heads. When this happens to you, remember that God equips those He calls. He doesn't call the...

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Embracing God's Plan For Your Life

Oct 17, 2023

ONE topic each Tuesday with 2 quick thoughts, 2 quick quotes, and 2 quick actions covered in 2 minutes or less:


"The fastest way for Christian men to stay focused and stay in the fight."


Topic: Embracing God's Plan For Your Life

2 Thoughts:

1. Embrace Your Uniqueness

God has a unique plan for each one of us. Embrace the idea that God had a plan for your life (as crazy as that may seem!). Your talents, experiences, and interests are all part of God's design for you. Your job now is to find out what the purpose is for why you're here and live out to the fullest!


2.  Trust in God's Timing

Sometimes, it's challenging to understand why certain things happen they way that they do. But remember this despite how it may look or feel:  God's timing is always perfect! Trust in His plan, even when it feels like life is off course and nothing is going according to...

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Developing A Strong Mindset

Oct 10, 2023

ONE topic each Tuesday with 2 quick thoughts, 2 quick quotes, and 2 quick actions covered in 2 minutes or less:


"The fastest way for Christian men to stay focused and stay in the fight."


Topic: Developing a Strong Mindset

2 Thoughts:

1. "As a man thinks in his heart, so is he." - Proverbs 23:7

Our mindset plays a pivotal role in our lives and shapes so much of who we are.  When we cultivate a strong and positive mindset, it gives us the power we need to overcome challenges and pursue our God-given purpose.  The opposite is equally as true. 


2.  "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind." - Romans 12:2

To develop a strong mindset, we must align our thoughts with God's thoughts, first and foremost. The world will try to influence us, but by renewing our minds through careful study of...

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Being a man of HONOR

Oct 03, 2023

ONE topic each Tuesday with 2 quick thoughts, 2 quick quotes, and 2 quick actions covered in 2 minutes or less:


"The fastest way for Christian men to stay focused and stay in the fight."


Topic:  Honor

2 Thoughts:

  1. Honor Begins with Self-Respect: True honor starts with respecting oneself as a man made in the image of God. To be the man God made you to be you must first understand your intrinsic value and worth in God's eyes. You honor God best when you live for Him first and foremost.

  3. Honor in Relationships: Honor your commitments, whether it's in marriage, parenting, friendships, or your professional life. Be a man of integrity, faithfulness, and humility in all your interactions.


"Honor is the reward of virtue." - Cicero


"Honor is simply the morality of superior men." - Henry Louis Mencken


2 Actions: 

1. Be men of your word.  When you...

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