The Fight Club

Who, What, When, Where, Why & How

Who is The Fight Club for:

Christian men (21 years old and older) who are ready to fight to become all that God made them to be while helping fight shoulder-to-shoulder with like-minded brothers who are trying to do the same.


What is it?

Our goal is to make it easier for busy, Christian men to get in the fight and win.  To do this, we provide daily, weekly, and monthly content, tools, and connections exclusively for Christian men who are serious about wanting to grow and become more of the man that God meant for him to be.

Our Fight Club gathering is an online (and at times, in-person) gathering of men who meet once a month for an hour or less to discuss a specific topic based on 4 Key Principles (Honor, Discipline, Strength, & Joy) & 8 Core Habits.  Members also get weekly challenges, questions for personal reflection related to the topic of the month, and a memory verse each week that corresponds to our monthly theme and focus.  

Inside of The Fight Club, we have our optional Strike Force groups.  These are, in essence, online Community Groups made up of 4-6 Fight Club members that meet once a month at an agreed upon time for an hour or less for further accountability and connection.  Strike Force groups discuss the weekly Fight Club Challenges, Questions, and Memory Verses that each man has been working through each week as well as discussing 3 Key Accountability Questions together: 1. How am I feeding myself?  2) How am I feeding others?  3) How am I feeding my flesh?

A good analogy is to think of The Fight Club like stopping at a gas station on a long journey.  It's there to help refresh and refuel you along the way and it is critical to helping you make it to your destination.  You simply can't go the distance without it!  The same is true for gathering Christian men together in a community like this. 

The Fight Club does not replace or play the same function as a man's local church.  It is simply another layer of Christ's Church that is designed to help men grow and become the men God meant for them to be.  We use The Fight Club to help encourage, inspire, and refresh men so they can go back to their homes, churches, work places, and communities better equipped to play the role that God gave them to play.

The Fight Club is built around an exclusive and private app where we meet and gather online.  It's like Facebook for a mens-only Fight Club community.  Only those who apply and are accepted can join.  Once here, men engage with other members in a private forum on a daily basis to ask questions, share thoughts/ideas, and much, much more!


When do we meet?

The 1st SATURDAY of every month at 8:00am EST for our Fight Club Gathering.  A link to the meeting is provided within the app

These Fight Club gatherings (as well as our Daily Devos each weekday at 7:00am) are also recorded for those who can't attend at those times.

Each year, we also try to hold an annual Get In The Fight gathering in-person to help connect, inspire, and encourage one another to continue in the fight.


Where do we meet?

Online from wherever you are located.  However, at times we will have in-person gatherings to connect further and meet together at our LIVE events.


How do we meet?

You will simply need internet access and a computer or phone with a built-in camera.  


Why join The Fight Club?

We call it the A,B,C’s of becoming the man that God meant for you to be:

A:  Accountability.  You need this - and someone else needs you!  We can’t fight and win on our own.

B: Belonging.  Join an exclusive group of like-minded men where you belong and are needed.

C: Community.  This platform provides a safe, private, and exclusive community of men who are ready to fight and win - just like you!


Why else? A few reasons…

1. Because God deserves it.  He’s given us all that we need to “live life to the fullest”.  Yet, most of us aren’t.  It’s time to pursue that with all that we’ve got!

2. Your heart was made new in Christ when you placed your trust in Him.  It’s time for us to start living out of the new heart that God placed within us when he rescued us by his grace!

3. Your family and friends and loved ones and community and church and workplace, etc, etc.  They ALL need you to fight!  Your impact on the world is pretty big when you think of it like that!  Every one of these areas of your life is better when you start living out your calling as God’s man.

Have more questions?  Click here to read our Frequently Asked Questions page.


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