Meet Nate

Welcome to Get In The Fight!

I started this platform - not because I have it all together or because I think I’m a picture of what the ideal Christian man looks like…I certainly do NOT and am NOT.

Instead, I started this because I WANT to be that man and I love to be around men who want to be great, too!  Because of that, it seemed like a good idea to create a place where we could all meet up and grow together. 

I am a husband to an incredible woman and, together, we have four beautiful and amazing daughters that we homeschool and raise together in a small-town in Michigan.

For a living, I work as a Senior Wealth Advisor and have done this for over two decades.

I love my family, friends, small town community, books, the United States of America - and our brave warriors that defend our freedoms everyday, and I have a deep love for hunting whitetails and the University of Michigan football and basketball teams. 

In 2021, I started a non-profit called Hunters Against Hunger where we seek to inspire generosity and help end hunger one hunter at a time. 

As for leading this community of men:  I am simply following the One who became a man to show us how it’s done.  He has qualified each of us to step into our roles as men and to lead with honor, discipline, strength, and joy. 

I am not a pastor or theologian. 

I am not perfect and I have many issues that I’m constantly working on. (Stick around long enough and you’ll know exactly how true that is!)

I will fall short of many of your expectations and probably let you down sooner than later.

I am a man who is following Jesus to the best of my ability and I simply want to help inspire and encourage the everyday, ordinary Christian man to do the same.

I am not an expert in probably anything but failing.  But my goal is to humbly lend my voice, opinions, and experiences while also leaning my ear into insightful conversations with other men who I want to learn and grow from…including YOU!

I am an unfinished product and my hope is to grow myself while helping inspire others to do the same.

To that end, I simply invite you to follow Jesus alongside of me - and let’s fight together!


In Ephesians 1:9-11 & 2:8-10, we learn that God has a plan that has been in motion since before the world began.  His incredible grace has saved us so that we “can do the good things he planned for us long ago.”

With this in mind, let me ask you something very important: 

Are you living out his plan for your life today?

Are you living the life that he died and gave everything for you to live?

Are you coasting through life and just waiting on heaven?

Or are you fully engaged and giving it everything that you’ve got? 

Everything that he deserves?

When someone asks us how we’re doing, we're likely to say this: “I’m doing good!” 

But in light of the incredible grace and salvation that we’ve been given - maybe “good” isn’t good enough!

Get In The Fight is an appeal to Christian men to not just live "good" lives - but to fully engage in the life that God had planned for you from the beginning of time. 

It is an appeal for us to live the life that he has in mind for each and every one of us.

It is a call to action - to fight for a life that is marked by HONOR, DISCIPLINE, STRENGTH, & JOY.

For far too many of us, we are not yet that man.

We live good lives - but they look a lot like the rest of the world. 

Yes, we go to church and we swear a little less than most and we give a little money when we can, and we are little nicer and kinder than most other people -  most of the time. 

But if we’re honest, we’re not fully engaged in the fight.  We’re not fully pursing a life that is markedly different for the Kingdom of God.

The appeal of Get In The Fight, then, is to call on Christian men to do just that!


Here’s what that may look like for you when you begin to live this out.

You used to sleep in as late as you could each morning…but now you wake up before your family and you spend dedicated time in prayer and in the Word of God because you love to spend time with Him.

You used to be undisciplined in your health and you felt sluggish, weak, unhappy, and dissatisfied in many areas of your life…but now you take care of your body and you push yourself to be in great shape because you know that physical health is the leading indicator of every other kind of health.

You used to cheat with your eyes and lust in your heart every day and everywhere you went - at work, at the gym, online, and even at church….but now you have integrity with your eyes in both your private and public life.  You are an honorable man inside and out.

You used to let other people and even your own emotions control how you felt and it dictated the joy you did or didn’t have each day….but now you have strength in your emotional life and joy deep in your heart that allows you to live each day to the fullest.

You used to go to church but when you got there your mind was elsewhere and so was your heart…but now you lead your family in devotions at home and you are a leader of worship.  You are an example for other men when you show up to church with a great attitude and a true desire to be fully present and fully engaged.

You used to be most concerned with paying the bills and growing your wealth and 401k…but now your main concern is the kingdom of God and how to advance his agenda over yours.  At the same time, you’re now learning to use money wisely and handle it as God directs you.

You used to be a good dad…but now you’re fully engaged and fighting for the heart of your children.

You used to be a good husband…but now you’re in the fight for the heart of your wife (or your future wife) and you are learning to be the man she so desperately needs and is praying for.

That is a fight worth fighting!

That is what Get In The Fight is all about. 

We are fighting together to become the men that God meant for us to be.

Will you join me as I fight for that too?

It’s time to Get In The Fight!

I'm so glad you're here.



 P.S.  Want to know more of what I think about key theological issues?  Click here to read my STATEMENT OF FAITH - or on the link below in the footer.


“Be on alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.  Do everything in love.”

- 1 Corinthians 16:13-14


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