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The Power of Focus: Becoming the Man God Made You to Be

Jan 09, 2023

There is a lot of noise and distraction in our world today. 

Think of your typical week.  There's not a lot of margin or space for something new - let alone something important, life-giving, or of eternal significance.

With so much going on in our busy lives, it can be hard to focus on what’s most important in life. That’s why this year, we - as Christian men - need to learn how the power of focus and picking just one new discipline or habit can change our lives and help us become the men that God made us to be.

Here are 5 ideas that you can choose from to help make this new year the best year of your life!

1. Get Healthy

Taking care of your body is an absolutely crucial part of being the man God made you to be. Eating healthy and exercising regularly will not only make you look and feel better, but it will also give you more energy and focus throughout the day so that you can serve others better.

Start small.  Even if it’s just committing to walking...

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Living with Honor, Discipline, Strength, and Joy

Dec 29, 2022

Being a man of honor, discipline, strength, and joy is not something that comes naturally. It requires effort and dedication to live in such a way that reflects God's glory and His love for us. 

Here are some helpful tips for Christian men on how to live with these core values each day.

Living with Honor

Honor is the cornerstone of any man's life. It means speaking truthfully and respectfully to others, even when you don't agree or understand their beliefs or actions. It also means living according to the highest standards of integrity; never compromising your principles or values in order to gain favor or success. Living with honor also involves being honest about your mistakes and taking responsibility for them. When we make mistakes it can be difficult to admit them but owning up to our mistakes shows humility and courage—two qualities every man should strive towards.

Are you a man of HONOR?


Living with Discipline

Discipline is essential for any man...

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