
Managing Stress & Anxiety

Jan 30, 2024

ONE topic each Tuesday with 2 quick thoughts, 2 quick quotes,

and 2 quick actions covered in 2 minutes or less:

 "The fastest way for Christian men to get focused and stay in the fight."


Topic: Managing Stress & Anxiety

 2 Thoughts:

1. Be More Mindful:

  • In the midst of feeling stress and anxiety, focus on being mindful of what's on and in your mind. Breath deeply (in 4 seconds, hold 4 seconds, slowly out 4 seconds). Rehearse Scriptures and pray for God's help to deal with these negative feelings and emotions.

2. See Stress Differently:

Challenge the notion that stress is always and only bad. Instead, see stress as a potential catalyst for personal growth. Learning to overcome challenges and manage stress can lead to more resilience, adaptability, and strength. So embrace it for its potential good!



"The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought...

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Accountability & Brotherhood

Jan 23, 2024

ONE topic each Tuesday with 2 quick thoughts, 2 quick quotes, and 2 quick actions covered in 2 minutes or less:

"The fastest way for Christian men to stay focused and stay in the fight."


Topic: Accountability & Brotherhood

 2 Thoughts:

1. Shared Goals:

  • Find a community of brothers who are moving in the same direction and have the same goals and vision as you do. Shared goals provide a foundation of strength for every man involved that is impossible to get on your own.

2. Ownership is Key:

Encourage every member in the community you belong to to take ownership of their actions, decisions, and contributions to it. A culture of ownership instills a sense of responsibility and accountability. There's something special that happens when each individual actively contributes to the collective well-being and success of all those involved.



"Accountability is the glue that strengthens...

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Integrating Faith at Work

Jan 16, 2024

ONE topic each Tuesday with 2 quick thoughts, 2 quick quotes, and 2 quick actions covered in 2 minutes or less: 

"The fastest way for Christian men to stay focused and stay in the fight."


Topic: Integrating Faith At Work

 2 Thoughts:

1. Integrate Faith into Daily Work:

Rather than compartmentalizing faith and work, find ways to integrate them. For example, treating colleagues with kindness, integrity, and respect demonstrates that you walk what you talk. Let your actions at work be a reflection of your commitment to living out your faith in all aspects of your life.

2. Trust in God’s Plan for Your Career:

Acknowledge that your career journey is part of God’s larger plan for your life. Trust in His guidance even in moments of uncertainty or challenges you didn't expect. Embrace the notion that your work is a calling, and God has a purpose for you in the work you are...

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Raising Godly Children

Jan 09, 2024

ONE topic each Tuesday with 2 quick thoughts, 2 quick quotes, and 2 quick actions covered in 2 minutes or less:

"The fastest way for Christian men to stay focused and stay in the fight."


Topic: Raising Godly Children

 2 Thoughts:

1. Nurture Hearts, Not Just Behavior:

When it comes to your kids, focus on nurturing their hearts rather than merely addressing their behaviors. Win their hearts and the behaviors are more likely to follow. Lose their hearts and you'll be more likely to lose both.


2. Recognize God's Gifts:

Your children are a blessing from God. Since that's true, approach each aspect of parenting with gratitude, recognizing that God has entrusted you with the responsibility of raising them. Take great care of what God has given to you to love on His behalf.



"Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old, he will not depart from it." -...

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Remember when...? 50 things men need to do once again.

Jan 08, 2024

It seems as if every older generation feels like the current generation is lacking some of the basic things that made life better for them "back in the good old days".  

Maybe they're right!

One of the things you often hear people say when they feel that way is, "Remember when people used to...." and then they tell you all the things that they wish people would do again to help make the world a better place.

With that in mind, we're going to remember some of these old-fashioned ideas and share 50 things that would make the world a better place in 2024 if Christian men would re-embrace them and make these practice normal once again.

Remember when....

Remember when men used to:

  1. Hold the door open for others.
  2. Offer their seat to someone else.
  3. Give up their seat for the elderly or pregnant women.
  4. Help someone with their heavy bags or luggage.
  5. Write a handwritten thank-you note to show their appreciation.
  6. Say "please" and "thank you" regularly.
  7. Offered a...
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Serving Selflessly

Dec 05, 2023

ONE topic each Tuesday with 2 quick thoughts, 2 quick quotes, and 2 quick actions covered in 2 minutes or less:

"The fastest way for Christian men to stay focused and stay in the fight."


Topic: Serving Selflessly

2 Thoughts:

1. Actions Speak Louder

We can talk about loving our neighbors and having a heart of service - but if our actions don't show it then it means very little.


2.  Serving Changes Us More

Yes, serving selflessly is great for others.  But the person who REALLY benefits from it is really YOU!  You become more of the man God meant for you to be by living this way.  



"They will know we are Christians by our love."

- Peter Scholtes

"A new command I give you:  Love one another.  As I have loved you, so you must love one another."  John 13:34

- Jesus


2 Actions: 

1. Do the work to serve:


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Overcoming Temptation

Nov 28, 2023

ONE topic each Tuesday with 2 quick thoughts, 2 quick quotes, and 2 quick actions covered in 2 minutes or less:


"The fastest way for Christian men to stay focused and stay in the fight."


Topic: Overcoming temptation

2 Thoughts:

1. In our journey to live bigger, better lives as Christian men, we often (no, scratch that....DAILY!) face temptations that challenge our faith and threaten our character. When this happens, we must remember that God always provides a way to resist each and every temptation, and with His help, you can overcome.  You are not powerless.  You simply must be continually connected to it/Him!


2.  Resisting temptation begins with surrendering to God and fleeing the temptation. When you submit to Him and resist the devil's lies, you gain the strength to overcome even the most challenging temptations.  Resist. Flee. Overcome.



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The Key To A Better Life: Gratitude & Thanksgiving

Nov 21, 2023

ONE topic each Tuesday with 2 quick thoughts, 2 quick quotes, and 2 quick actions covered in 2 minutes or less:


"The fastest way for Christian men to stay focused and stay in the fight."


Topic: The key to a better life: Gratitude & Thanksgiving

2 Thoughts:

1. Gratitude is a powerful force that transforms our lives. When we recognize and start to appreciate the blessings God has given us, it opens the door to living a bigger, better life. Start by reflecting on all that He's done and see how it transforms your thoughts and attitudes right away.  It's hard to have a bad day when your heart and mind is full of gratitude and thanksgiving!


2.   Thanksgiving isn't just a holiday for Christian men; more importantly, it's a way of life. But that's only true if you practice and cultivate a heart of thanksgiving. It doesn't just "happen".  It must be...

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The Secret To Winning at Life: Brotherhood & Accountability

Nov 14, 2023

ONE topic each Tuesday with 2 quick thoughts, 2 quick quotes, and 2 quick actions covered in 2 minutes or less:


"The fastest way for Christian men to stay focused and stay in the fight."


Topic: The Secret to Winning at Life: Brotherhood & Accountability

2 Thoughts:

1. Life is a battle and having faithful brothers in your life is the greatest asset you can have. The strength of Christian men is often measured by the depth of the friendships he has with other men and the accountability they offer to one another.  We were made for brotherhood and accountability.


2.  Proverbs 27:17 reminds us that, "As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another." Almost every man can quote this - but very few of us men live as if its true!  True growth and victory will come when we allow our brothers to challenge and refine us as God intended.



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Anchoring your life to God's Word

Nov 07, 2023

ONE topic each Tuesday with 2 quick thoughts, 2 quick quotes, and 2 quick actions covered in 2 minutes or less:


"The fastest way for Christian men to stay focused and stay in the fight."


Topic: Anchoring your life to God's Word

2 Thoughts:

1. "Lord, to whom would we go? You have the words that give eternal life!" - John 6:68

The bible is no ordinary book.  It is God's very words to us.  Jesus offended His disciples one time and asked if they wanted to leave too.  Peter's reply (see above) ought to be our reply as well:  Where else would we go to find life?  May our life be anchored to the words that give eternal life!


2.  "But he answered, 'It is written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.'" - Matthew 4:4

Physical health is vital for our bodies just as spiritual nourishment...

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