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5 Marks of a Godly Man

Apr 10, 2023

What does it mean to be a godly man?

What does it look like?

At Get In The Fight, we are aiming at specific tenets or strategic ideas that help us demonstrate what the marks of a godly man look like in action.  They are:  Honor, Discipline, Strength, & Joy.  These are the foundational elements that make up the life of godly men.

Today, then, we want to look at the primary verse that we use at Get In The Fight ministries and share what we think are 5 clear marks of what it takes to be a godly man.

Here's the verse that we use:  1 Corinthians 16:13-14 (NASB)

"Be on alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.  Do everything in love."

 Let's take a closer look at each of these 5 marks of godly men.

Be On Alert

Have you ever gone on a hike in the Southwest or maybe on a trail like the Appalachian Trail?  If you have (or maybe even if you haven't), you'd know that there are potential dangers all along the trail. ...

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10 ways to be a better leader (no matter your age or title)

Mar 20, 2023

Leadership is not simply given to those with the biggest titles or status.  No matter what your age or title, you can lead and should work on your leadership skills.  The more you grow, the more influence you'll be able to exert over others and, as research shows, you'll be more likely to make more money over time as you become more valuable in your career.

But leadership certainly isn't just about the work environment that you're in.  Leadership extends to every area of your life.

So, in today's blog, I want to share a few things that can help you succeed as a leader - no matter where you're at or how old you are.  Think of these things as rules to follow or at least ideas to keep in mind as you navigate the landscape that you find yourself leading in today - or may find yourself leading in down the road.

Here at 10 ways to be a better leader today:

1. Treat everyone the way you'd like to be treated.

Have you ever witnessed someone treat the lowest person...

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5 Triggers For Creating New Habits

Jan 02, 2023

5 Triggers to Help Christian Men Create New Habits

(*And Make Them Stick)

Change can be hard, but it doesn't have to be.

It is possible for us as Christian men to establish new habits and make them stick. We just need the right tools for the job. James Clear, author of Atomic Habits, has identified five triggers that can help us develop healthier habits and maintain them over time.  I believe these can help you and I, both, as we seek to become more of the men that God meant for us to be.

Let's take a closer look at each one.


The trigger of cue tells us that we must attach our desired habit to something or someone else which will act as a reminder or prompt to do the activity regularly.

This could mean setting an alarm clock so that when it rings you know it’s time for exercise or putting your shoes next to your bed so that when you wake up they are there to remind you to put them on and head to workout right away.

By attaching our...

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Living with Honor, Discipline, Strength, and Joy

Dec 29, 2022

Being a man of honor, discipline, strength, and joy is not something that comes naturally. It requires effort and dedication to live in such a way that reflects God's glory and His love for us. 

Here are some helpful tips for Christian men on how to live with these core values each day.

Living with Honor

Honor is the cornerstone of any man's life. It means speaking truthfully and respectfully to others, even when you don't agree or understand their beliefs or actions. It also means living according to the highest standards of integrity; never compromising your principles or values in order to gain favor or success. Living with honor also involves being honest about your mistakes and taking responsibility for them. When we make mistakes it can be difficult to admit them but owning up to our mistakes shows humility and courage—two qualities every man should strive towards.

Are you a man of HONOR?


Living with Discipline

Discipline is essential for any man...

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