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4 Ways To Embrace True Masculinity

Feb 27, 2023

It can be easy for men to forget what true masculinity really is or what it looks like in action. Too often we're surrounded by messages that tell us that real men are self-serving, aggressive, and power-hungry. To be a man, you must be rowdy, curse like a sailor, and look down on the weak.

But this simply isn't the case.

The Bible reminds us that true masculinity is about sacrificially serving people in need—selflessly giving of ourselves for the benefit of others. It's about dying to yourself for the benefit of others.  That is the essence of the Christian life and true masculinity.

So what does this look like in a practical sense?

Here are four ways that Christian men can demonstrate what true masculinity actually looks like.

Love Sacrificially

The Bible tells us that the greatest form of love is sacrificial love. When we choose to lay down our own desires in order to serve others, we show them the love of Christ through our actions. This can be done in small ways such...

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