
Developing A Heart of Worship

Dec 12, 2023


ONE topic each Tuesday with 2 quick thoughts, 2 quick quotes, and 2 quick actions covered in 2 minutes or less:


"The fastest way for Christian men to stay focused and stay in the fight."


Topic: Developing a Heart of Worship

2 Thoughts:

1. Gratitude is the key

You simply cannot worship God without a heart of gratitude first.  Cultivate gratitude and focus on expressing gratefulness and worship will naturally flow from it.


2.  It's a journey

There is no "arrival" when it comes to having a heart of worship.  It's an ongoing, daily posture of our heart and mind.  If you're not where you want to be, don't give up.  Get up today and worship! 



"Worship is not an event.  It's a lifestyle."

- Unknown


"Worship changes the worshiper into the image of the One worshiped."  


- Jack Hayford



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How to Help Your Family Keep Jesus at the Center of Christmas

Dec 11, 2023

I love everything about the Christmas season! It really is the most wonderful time of year for me and so many others.  But as we know, the focus of Christmas is often anything but Christ.

As Christian men, Christmas provides a unique opportunity for us to lead our families by helping them keep Jesus at the center of our celebrations. The world is filled with distractions and materialism (as we're all very aware) so it's crucial that we help our families intentionally focus on the true reason for the season.

In today's post, we'll discuss three practical steps you can take as the leader of your family to ensure that Jesus remains the central figure this Christmas, helping you create a meaningful and spiritually focused holiday season for you and your family.

3 Ways To Keep Christ in Christmas

1. Set a Christ-Centered Tone: Begin with the Manger

As the spiritual leader of your family, you have the power to set the tone for the Christmas season. In fact, too many of us men...

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Serving Selflessly

Dec 05, 2023

ONE topic each Tuesday with 2 quick thoughts, 2 quick quotes, and 2 quick actions covered in 2 minutes or less:

"The fastest way for Christian men to stay focused and stay in the fight."


Topic: Serving Selflessly

2 Thoughts:

1. Actions Speak Louder

We can talk about loving our neighbors and having a heart of service - but if our actions don't show it then it means very little.


2.  Serving Changes Us More

Yes, serving selflessly is great for others.  But the person who REALLY benefits from it is really YOU!  You become more of the man God meant for you to be by living this way.  



"They will know we are Christians by our love."

- Peter Scholtes

"A new command I give you:  Love one another.  As I have loved you, so you must love one another."  John 13:34

- Jesus


2 Actions: 

1. Do the work to serve:


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5 Powerful Ways to Reflect, Evaluate, and Finish the Year Strong

Dec 04, 2023

As the year draws to a close, it's the perfect time for Christian men to pause, reflect, and evaluate the past year's journey.  What went well?  What didn't?  What's next?

Taking stock of our accomplishments, challenges, and growth can provide the insights we need in order to live bigger, better lives in the coming year.

So, here are five powerful ways for you to reflect, evaluate, and finish the year strong - helping you set the stage for a more purposeful and impactful year ahead.

5 Ways To Reflect, Evaluate, and Finish Strong

  1. Journaling for Clarity and Gratitude:

    One of the most effective ways to reflect on the past year is by keeping a journal. Take some time each day this month to jot down your thoughts, experiences, and feelings as you reflect on your successes and challenges from this past year, and write about the lessons you've learned.

    Not only is writing down your thoughts important, but practicing gratitude is also an essential aspect...

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Overcoming Temptation

Nov 28, 2023

ONE topic each Tuesday with 2 quick thoughts, 2 quick quotes, and 2 quick actions covered in 2 minutes or less:


"The fastest way for Christian men to stay focused and stay in the fight."


Topic: Overcoming temptation

2 Thoughts:

1. In our journey to live bigger, better lives as Christian men, we often (no, scratch that....DAILY!) face temptations that challenge our faith and threaten our character. When this happens, we must remember that God always provides a way to resist each and every temptation, and with His help, you can overcome.  You are not powerless.  You simply must be continually connected to it/Him!


2.  Resisting temptation begins with surrendering to God and fleeing the temptation. When you submit to Him and resist the devil's lies, you gain the strength to overcome even the most challenging temptations.  Resist. Flee. Overcome.



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How to have a stronger marriage and sex life: The Ultimate Intimacy App

Nov 27, 2023

As Christian men, we understand that a strong and fulfilling marriage is the foundation for a resilient family and a vibrant faith in our lives and the lives of our children and grandchildren.

Yet, in the hustle and bustle of life, maintaining the deep connection and intimacy that marriage demands can sometimes - no, scratch that - will be a challenge. That's where The Ultimate Intimacy App steps in and can help you like it has helped me.

I discovered this app back in 2022 and found it to be a powerful tool to help foster stronger bonds, better communication about sex and romance, and saw how it could help reignite the passion that oftentimes goes missing even great marriages.

In today's conversation, I want to introduce you to this app and look at some of the different elements and overarching themes of it and share how it may help you to thrive in your marriage, too.

The Big Elements of The Ultimate Intimacy App

1. Communication: The Pillar of Genuine Connection

In the...

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The Key To A Better Life: Gratitude & Thanksgiving

Nov 21, 2023

ONE topic each Tuesday with 2 quick thoughts, 2 quick quotes, and 2 quick actions covered in 2 minutes or less:


"The fastest way for Christian men to stay focused and stay in the fight."


Topic: The key to a better life: Gratitude & Thanksgiving

2 Thoughts:

1. Gratitude is a powerful force that transforms our lives. When we recognize and start to appreciate the blessings God has given us, it opens the door to living a bigger, better life. Start by reflecting on all that He's done and see how it transforms your thoughts and attitudes right away.  It's hard to have a bad day when your heart and mind is full of gratitude and thanksgiving!


2.   Thanksgiving isn't just a holiday for Christian men; more importantly, it's a way of life. But that's only true if you practice and cultivate a heart of thanksgiving. It doesn't just "happen".  It must be...

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Juggling Work, Family, and Faith: 7 Ideas For Busy Christian Men

Nov 20, 2023

I get it – life is like juggling flaming swords sometimes, isn't it?

Between the demands of work, the joys (and chaos) of family, and the need to live out our faith, it's a challenge to say the least! 

But fear not, because you're not alone, and we've got your back. Let's talk about some battle-tested strategies to help you navigate work, family, and faith and ultimately live a better, bigger life.

7 Key Ideas For Busy Christian Men

1. Prioritize with Purpose

"In his heart, a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps." - Proverbs 16:9

As men of purpose, we understand the importance of priorities. For busy men, there may nothing more important than getting clarity around what matters most and then implementing a plan to make sure those things happen each and every day.

Start by setting clear priorities that align with God's Word. Seek His guidance in determining what truly matters to Him first.  Then, allocate your time and energy to the most...

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The Secret To Winning at Life: Brotherhood & Accountability

Nov 14, 2023

ONE topic each Tuesday with 2 quick thoughts, 2 quick quotes, and 2 quick actions covered in 2 minutes or less:


"The fastest way for Christian men to stay focused and stay in the fight."


Topic: The Secret to Winning at Life: Brotherhood & Accountability

2 Thoughts:

1. Life is a battle and having faithful brothers in your life is the greatest asset you can have. The strength of Christian men is often measured by the depth of the friendships he has with other men and the accountability they offer to one another.  We were made for brotherhood and accountability.


2.  Proverbs 27:17 reminds us that, "As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another." Almost every man can quote this - but very few of us men live as if its true!  True growth and victory will come when we allow our brothers to challenge and refine us as God intended.



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3 Ways Christian Men Must Stand Up to Culture Before It's Too Late

Nov 13, 2023

In a rapidly changing world, the culture we live in is presenting daily challenges to Christian values and principles.

As Christian men, it is crucial for us to stand firm in our faith (1 Cor. 16:13-14) and to take a bold stance against the prevailing cultural norms that contradict biblical truth and what once was thought of as common sense.

There is no more time to wait and no more time to waste.

If men will act, we can make a positive impact on our families, communities, and society at large. But if we fail to - our time may run out.

To keep that from happening, here are three essential ways that Christian men can - and must! - stand up to culture before it's too late:

1. Embrace Biblical Manhood:

In a culture that is blurring the lines of gender roles and masculinity, it is vital for Christian men to embrace and exemplify biblical manhood.

God created men and women with unique purposes and roles, and both are equally valuable in His sight as well as in society. As...

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