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5 Ways To Improve Your Sex Life

Mar 27, 2023


Now that I know I have your attention, let's talk about it (just like the band, TLC, told us to in the 1990s!). 

To be clear, if you are not married, this is helpful to you - not for now, but for later on.  Conversations like this are totally appropriate, needed, good and blessed by God - but only if you are in a committed, Christian marriage of one man and one woman.  If that is not you today, then take good notes and prepare for the future.

If that is you and you are married to a godly woman right now, then grab a pen and paper and lean in close.  There are some tried-and-true ideas here that can absolutely help you.

Here are 5 ways to improve your sex life today.

1. Bounce your eyes.

Imagine that you're at the gym.  A hot girl walks by in tight leggings and a sports bra.  Quick:  what do you do??

If you're most guys - even Christian guys - you stare, gawk, try to act cool, probably flex your muscles a bit, and then try to pretend like...

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10 ways to be a better leader (no matter your age or title)

Mar 20, 2023

Leadership is not simply given to those with the biggest titles or status.  No matter what your age or title, you can lead and should work on your leadership skills.  The more you grow, the more influence you'll be able to exert over others and, as research shows, you'll be more likely to make more money over time as you become more valuable in your career.

But leadership certainly isn't just about the work environment that you're in.  Leadership extends to every area of your life.

So, in today's blog, I want to share a few things that can help you succeed as a leader - no matter where you're at or how old you are.  Think of these things as rules to follow or at least ideas to keep in mind as you navigate the landscape that you find yourself leading in today - or may find yourself leading in down the road.

Here at 10 ways to be a better leader today:

1. Treat everyone the way you'd like to be treated.

Have you ever witnessed someone treat the lowest person...

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How to love a woman: the 5 C's

Mar 13, 2023

Disclaimer:  Today's conversation is based on an idea I stole from a message from Pastor Jonathan Pokluda.  I am including the video of this talk at the bottom of this blog post and beg you to PLEASE LISTEN to it after you read this!  It's so good and so needed!  I have taken the ideas that I am sharing here from his message, but I came up with my own C's for this blog.  So, hopefully, you will benefit even more from both his thoughts and mine.  


Loving a woman.  That's a tall order, isn't it!  How do we do that?  Where do we even begin?  

For many men, it begins with a ring.  An engagement ring, to be exact.  In today's conversation, we are going to use the same ideas for finding a quality engagement ring to help us find clues about loving a woman.

So how do you find a good diamond ring to give to your lady?  There are 4 C's that you'll need to know about.

1. Cut   2....

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3 Key Principles from The Parable of the Talents

Mar 06, 2023

In Matthew 25:14-30, we read one of the most memorable of Jesus' many parables:  The Parable of the Talents.

At first glance, we would assume that he is talking about the skillsets and gifts we've each been given but this is not what the story is really about.  Instead, Jesus uses a common monetary term to help teach us key principles for life.

Here are 3 of them that Christian men would do well to embrace from this timeless teaching.


#1: Financial Wisdom

While this parable is not a conversation directly addressing financial planning principles, the parable of the talents teaches us more than just one application at a time.

A “talent” was not a skillset or gifting, but a monetary term that equated to the highest level of monetary gain in the Jewish culture of the time.  A talent was equivalent to approximately one years worth of income.  So, in typical Jesus fashion, he used a very common and well-understood idea from the physical...

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4 Ways To Embrace True Masculinity

Feb 27, 2023

It can be easy for men to forget what true masculinity really is or what it looks like in action. Too often we're surrounded by messages that tell us that real men are self-serving, aggressive, and power-hungry. To be a man, you must be rowdy, curse like a sailor, and look down on the weak.

But this simply isn't the case.

The Bible reminds us that true masculinity is about sacrificially serving people in need—selflessly giving of ourselves for the benefit of others. It's about dying to yourself for the benefit of others.  That is the essence of the Christian life and true masculinity.

So what does this look like in a practical sense?

Here are four ways that Christian men can demonstrate what true masculinity actually looks like.

Love Sacrificially

The Bible tells us that the greatest form of love is sacrificial love. When we choose to lay down our own desires in order to serve others, we show them the love of Christ through our actions. This can be done in small ways such...

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How Christian dads can parent with Love & Logic

Feb 20, 2023

As fathers, we want to do our best when raising our children. We want them to grow up feeling loved and secure while also respecting authority and learning to be responsible adults along the way. The Love and Logic parenting philosophy is an effective way to accomplish this. It provides tools to help Christian men raise kids that are self-confident, respectful, responsible, and better able to choose the path of Christ for themselves.

As my wife and I have raised our girls (the oldest is 17 at the time of this writing and the youngest is 8), we have read (and re-read) the book and listened to their trainings called, Parenting with Love & Logic, many times.  (You can find it in our Amazon Store by clicking here). It has been an invaluable source of encouragement, confidence, and strength for us and we believe strongly in its principles and the tools they teach.  

With that in mind, let's take a closer look at how you can use the principles of Love and Logic in...

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The 4 Laws of Gun Safety (Do you know these by heart?)

Feb 13, 2023

Quick confession:

I am a novice when it comes to guns.  I own a sweet P226 Sig Sauger 9mm handgun but hardly ever shoot it.  However, I believe in our constitutional right to own and bear arms and I think it is wise that we are educated and equipped to defend and protect ourselves and our loved ones should the need arise.  As such, I am seeking to learn more about common sense ideas for beginners like me and know that many of the men at Get In The Fight are in the same boat as me.  

The 2nd Amendment states: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

With that being said, if you carry (or plan to carry) a concealed weapon, safety should be your ultimate priority. It’s not just about ensuring the safety of those around you – it’s also about making sure that YOU are safe and secure as well. To that end, here are four...

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3 Things Leaders Do That We All Should Too

Feb 06, 2023

**Note:  The outline and principles I am sharing today come directly from Pastor Craig Groeschel on a leadership talk he gave.  I highly suggest his books and leadership podcast!  You can find him here.


What makes a great leader great?

For that matter, what makes a great man great?

These are things I often think about and pursue and think we all should too.  As you've heard before and is wise to consider:  find out what successful people are doing (that you'd like to do too) and then do what they do!

For much of my life, this has been my approach and it is certainly the approach I take with my online Fight Club and men's ministry, called Get In The Fight: find successful men and do what they're doing.

We're going to do that together in this blog post and learn about 3 things that Pastor Groeschel says great leaders do.  As you will see, I believe that all men should do these too.


1. Define what winning looks like

In baseball,...

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Developing COURAGE In The Face Of Fear

Jan 30, 2023

It takes a lot of courage to be a man. To make a difference in this world and to stand up for what is right and true, a man must have the courage to step out of his comfort zone and take some risks.

To do this, courage must be cultivated, especially for those of us who seek to live out our faith and hear the words that we all long to hear, "Well done - good and faithful servant!".

But how does one become more courageous? Let’s look at some practical ways that men can develop courage and why it matters so much that we do.

The Role of Fear

Courage does not mean the absence of fear or having the false hope that someday we can completely eliminate fear altogether.   Having courage simply means that you have the strength and mental fortitude to face your fears head-on. To move toward them when everything inside of you wants to run.

It is human nature to feel fear in the face of danger or uncertainty; however, if we allow fear to control us (and that is the REAL issue...

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When to GO: 4 Reasons to Leave A Challenging Situation

Jan 23, 2023

As Christian men, we are often called to stay and "fight the good fight".  I wrote about why that may be true in a previous post. There is growth in adversity and facing our challenges head-on will make us stronger.

However, there are times when it may be wise to leave and get away from a situation that is not good for us. Let’s take a look at four reasons when this may be true.

1. When Your Safety Is At Risk

Your safety always comes first. If you feel your physical or emotional wellbeing is threatened in any way, then leaving the situation is the best option for you. There are some situations that may be too dangerous for you to stay in and it’s important for you to recognize when those scenarios arise and make the decision to leave if necessary.

This may be if you are in a hostile work in environment and it is mentally draining you and causing you harm.  Or maybe its when someone is antagonizing you and picking a fight and you know you're about to blow...

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