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How the Gospel changes Parenting: 5 key questions to ask your kids

Aug 28, 2023

Parenting is one of the most challenging yet rewarding journeys that a Christian man can embark upon. As a father, there are many things that we want for our children:  happiness, success, good health, good character, etc. However, it's essential to remember and stay focused on what our ultimate goal really is: to lead them to Jesus and to teach them to follow Him.

Today, we will explore how the gospel can help us understand how to parent our children, using Paul David Tripp's ideas for five questions to help our kids consider what's really going on when things get out of control.

5 Key Questions

For many Christians, the Gospel of Jesus is simply an introduction to salvation and then the hope of heaven later on when we die.  But to think of it in these terms alone is to miss so much of what it can do.

The Gospel is the good news of Jesus.  That he rescues us from our sin and bondage and has written our names in heaven where nothing on earth below or heaven...

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5 Unexpected Benefits of Exercise

Aug 07, 2023


For many men, exercise is just something they do to stay in shape and look good at the beach.

But did you know that regular exercise can benefit you in ways that maybe you'd never imagined? In fact, there are several unexpected benefits of exercise that can help you live a better life - the life that God meant for you to live!

In this post, we’ll discuss some of these benefits and help you see why they’re so important for Christian men who want to live life to the fullest.

5 Unexpected Benefits

Improved Mental Health

Exercise has been shown to improve mental health in several ways. This includes reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety, as well as improving brain function and memory. Regular exercise can also help reduce stress levels, which can help you feel more relaxed and focused throughout the day.

If you are struggling with your mental health, many experts suggest that far better than any medication is physical exercise and moving your body.  


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Why Men Need Other Men: 3 Truths About Joining A Community

Jul 31, 2023

As a Christian man, what are you dreams and what are the big goals that you have for your life?

If you're not sure, just do this:

Imagine a future where your life was radically impacted and changed for the better.

Think about a future where your life had a profound impact on other people's lives - but other men's lives, in particular.

Imagine what it would be like if you walked through life with people that truly cared for and were there for you when the storms arrived and threatened to take you out.

Think about a life where you got help and support in the areas of your life that you need it the most.  A life where you didn't feel alone in this big, confusing journey.

Imagine a life where you found helpful new ideas and continually learned new ways to grow and become the kind of man you’ve always wanted to be - where you started to become the man that God made you to be.

Sounds pretty good, right? 

This is all possible.  But there's just one catch...

You can't...

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Know Your Enemy: 4 tactics to be aware of

Jul 20, 2023

I have a friend who lives outside of Kiev, Ukraine.  He and his family live in the midst of war.

There is a picture that they posted at the start of the war that still breaks my heart.  In it, the family had awakened to bombs going off in the distance and helicopters flying over their home.  They were now huddled together in a small hallway in their home.  Where else could they go?

That night they had to make a terrible decision in light of the war that showed up at their door:  do we stay or do we flee the country?

For some of us here in the safety of our own homes, we may think the answer is simple:  run!  get out!  

But it's not that simple for them.  They are church leaders and they run a school that helps teach children english and shares the Gospel.  So leaving isn't that easy.  Many people are looking up to them for guidance, help, and encouragement.  

In the end, leaving was the decision that they had to...

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10 things to know about marriage BEFORE you get married (Part 2)

Jul 17, 2023

**NOTE** While this is intended for unmarried Christian men - I think those of us who are married currently will also benefit from this refresher.  Hopefully, it will help married men as well and encourage you to consider some areas where maybe you've dropped the ball and need to re-engage in the fight for your marriage again.

In part 1 of these series, we looked at 5 things that Christian men would benefit from by knowing about marriage BEFORE they said, "I do!".

Today, we're going to look at 5 more ideas that can help save you some trouble and help you plan for and prepare for your sacred vows.

(Click here if you missed #1-#5 in Part 1)

5 More Things You Should Know About Marriage


6.  Sometimes it will be harder than you think.  But don’t ever give up or give yourself an out!

Let's just be brutally honest here.  Marriage is amazing!  But...

Marriage can be really tough, too.  In fact, it may be harder than you ever imagined. ...

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10 things to know about marriage BEFORE you get married (Part 1)

Jul 10, 2023

**NOTE** While this is intended for unmarried Christian men - I think those of us who are married currently will also benefit from this refresher.  Hopefully, it will help married men as well and encourage you to consider some areas where maybe you've dropped the ball and need to re-engage in the fight for your marriage again.


Have you ever thought, “Gosh, I wish I had know this before I got here!”? 

Maybe you thought that about parenting, or money, or some health issue that you're dealing with.  Today, though, we’re talking about how nice it would be to have some wisdom and insight about marriage before you say, "I do!".  

Hindsight is 20/20 they say.  But wouldn’t foresight be even better?!

We think so, too, and that’s what we’re doing in this post today; trying to help serve those of you who have never been married before (or maybe are hoping to re-marry again and do it better one...

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Men were born to FIGHT!

Jul 03, 2023

"A man must have a battle to fight, a great mission to his life that involves and yet transcends even home and family.  He must have a cause to which he is devoted even unto death, for this is written into the fabric of his being.  Listen carefully now:  you do!"

Listen carefully now, men:  You do!

What John Eldredge is saying there in his book, Wild at Heart, is that God has made you this way.  It's in the very fabric of your being a man.  This battle to fight - this mission you're on here in this short life you live - transcends even home and family.  It's a fight worth fighting til the end.  Even unto death!

As I write those words 2 things stand out to me.  See if this is true for you as well.

1. I'm inspired by it.  I want to live that way.  I want to die that way.

2. I doubt it's (actually) true for me.

Do you resonate with that?  Do you sense that split-personality disorder within you too?

You see, this is one the...

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5 Ways a Christian Single Can Keep Himself Pure in Dating

Jun 26, 2023


Dating can be a tricky topic for many Christians.

On one hand, dating can be a beautiful experience that leads to a fulfilling marriage. On the other hand, it can be a minefield of temptation and compromise that leads to regret and heartbreak.

For single Christian men (whatever the age or circumstance), it can be particularly challenging to navigate these waters while staying true to their faith and values. However, it is possible to date in a healthy and godly way.

Let's look at five ways that a Christian single can keep himself pure in dating.


1. Set Boundaries

One of the most important things a Christian single can do is set clear boundaries when it comes to dating. This may include physical boundaries, such as avoiding sexual activity, but it also includes emotional and spiritual boundaries, too.

This means setting limits on how much time and energy you spend with your date, how much personal information you share, and how involved you become in their life. It...

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How to respond to the sexualization of our children in public schools.

Jun 19, 2023

As Christian men, we are called to uphold godly values and to provide a voice of morality in our society. However, we are currently facing an alarming situation where school systems are promoting and allowing - no, pushing! - sexualized content in our schools and into our children's lives.

This issue is deeply concerning.  Especially for Christian families who want to raise their children with moral, biblical values and protect them from the evil that is being promoted so forcefully today in our communities.

But what can we do?

What should our response be as Christian men who are fighting for our children?

In this blog post, we will discuss three things Christian men can do to address this issue.


1. Pray that God will do what only he can do.

As Christian men, we know that our battle is not against flesh and blood but against the powers of darkness. Praying, then, is an essential weapon we can use in our fight against ungodly influences in our schools.  In fact,...

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The Power of Friendship: Why men need them more than ever

Jun 12, 2023

"9 Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. 10 If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble. 11 Likewise, two people lying close together can keep each other warm. But how can one be warm alone? 12 A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken." 

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

I asked my team at work this the other day and I'll ask you the same thing now:

Picture yourself at the end of your life and everyone knows you're about to pass away and go be with the Lord.  People are lining up to say their goodbyes.  (Here's the question)

What do you hope they line up and THANK YOU for?

One of the driving forces of my life is that people would line up and thank me for being an elite friend.  I don't want to be just a "good" friend - but an...

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