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3 Ways Christian Men Must Stand Up to Culture Before It's Too Late

Nov 13, 2023

In a rapidly changing world, the culture we live in is presenting daily challenges to Christian values and principles.

As Christian men, it is crucial for us to stand firm in our faith (1 Cor. 16:13-14) and to take a bold stance against the prevailing cultural norms that contradict biblical truth and what once was thought of as common sense.

There is no more time to wait and no more time to waste.

If men will act, we can make a positive impact on our families, communities, and society at large. But if we fail to - our time may run out.

To keep that from happening, here are three essential ways that Christian men can - and must! - stand up to culture before it's too late:

1. Embrace Biblical Manhood:

In a culture that is blurring the lines of gender roles and masculinity, it is vital for Christian men to embrace and exemplify biblical manhood.

God created men and women with unique purposes and roles, and both are equally valuable in His sight as well as in society. As...

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The Measure of a Man: A Guide to Helping Christian Men Live the Lives God Intended

Nov 06, 2023

As Christian men, we are called to lead lives that reflect the character and teachings of Christ.

But what does that look like?

How would you know if you saw one - or were one?

Navigating the challenges of modern life while staying true to our faith is a daunting task.  It's not for the faint of heart.  It truly requires a man who is surrendered to Christ and "struggling with all of his power" to "be mature in the Lord, measuring up to the full and complete standard of Christ" (Ephesians 4:13). 

What a tall and impossible task!  And yet...that is the measuring stick and goal of our journey.

In his powerful book, "The Measure of a Man," Gene Getz provides a roadmap for Christian men (like you and I) who are seeking to become the men God meant for them to be. In this review of his book, we will delve into the key insights of this inspiring book and explore how it can profoundly impact our journey as Christian men. 

That said, there is SO much to...

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How to Navigate Problems and Make Better Decisions

Oct 23, 2023


We all have them. 

The problem with problems, however, is that we tend that the solution is too difficult to find.  But that's not usually the case.

The real problem is that we don’t always feel like we know what to do.  We feel stuck and wonder what actions to take in the moment.  When this happens, we often make mistakes or make the mistake of doing nothing at all.

To combat this…well...problem…we need some help.  Some tools that can help us make better decisions in the midst of the problems we face.

In today’s blog, we’ll talk about the surprising way that mottos, creeds, parables, stories, mantras and quips can help us make better decisions and navigate through problems more easily than we may think.

Making Progress With Problems

In his book, On War, Carl von Clausewitz says this:  “…everything is war simple, but the simple things are difficult.”

 How true that is!

For the most part,...

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Staying in the Fight: 5 Ways to Deal with Doubt and Discouragement

Oct 16, 2023

Doubt and discouragement are two of the biggest battles that Christian men face and oftentimes, these can be the very things that cripple a man's faith.  I've watched it happen many times.

These two enemies can cause a man to lose hope and give up the fight, but it doesn't have to be that way.  As we know, there is no battle or temptation that is too big for God to overcome in our lives.  

But...that's only true for those who are alert and know what to do when they creep into your life.

In this blog post, we'll look at five ways that men can deal with doubt and discouragement so they can stay in the fight and not get sidetracked, disillusioned, or taken out of the fight completely.

5 Ways To Fight Doubt and Discouragement

#1. Connect with God

When we feel lost and uncertain, one of the best things we can do is to connect with God. We can do this in many ways:  first thing in the morning in God's Word, prayer, quiet time in nature, listening to...

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How to Help Your Kids Navigate LBGT Conversations with Biblical Truth

Oct 09, 2023

As a parent, it can be challenging to navigate conversations about sexuality with your kids, especially when it comes to the LBGT conversation. The world is constantly bombarding our children with messages about gender and sexuality that are contrary to biblical truth.  

As Christians, and in particular as men and heads of our households, it is our responsibility, then, to teach our children what God's Word says about these important topics and how to respond with grace and love in every situation.

Here are some practical ways to help you lead your kids through the LBGT conversations from a biblical perspective.

Navigating LBGT With Your Kids

1. Start with the basics

Before diving into discussions about sexuality and gender, it's essential for you to have a firm foundation based on biblical truth. Start there and study what God says for yourself or ask your church for help with resources and ideas.  Then, teach your kids what the Bible says about...

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Overcoming Fears: 6 Common Fears that Hold You Back

Oct 02, 2023

Fear is a powerful emotion that can paralyze us from reaching our full potential. It’s something that everyone experiences but few of us men like talk about.

As Christian men, however, we are called to live a life without fear and to trust in God’s plan for our lives.  Over and over again we are admonished in Scripture to, "Fear not...for I am with you!".

Yet, fear often gets in the way of our relationships and keeps us from living our best lives.

Here are 6 of the biggest fears that keep us from living a better, fuller life and some practical ways to we can overcome them.

6 Common FEARS Men Face

Fear of Rejection

One of the biggest fears that Christian men often face is the fear of rejection. We fear rejection in our relationships, our careers, and even in our faith. Whether it’s the fear of not being accepted by others or the fear of failing God, this fear can hold us back from taking risks and pursuing our dreams.

To overcome this fear, we need to remember...

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5 Ways to Build a Stronger Connection with Your Wife

Sep 25, 2023

Being married is awesome!  But it doesn't come without its challenges.

One of the major challenges that married men face is communication with their wives. But we often start with the communication piece while ignoring the underlying connection.  Communication is critical.  But it can only be successful if there is a strong connection and intimacy first.

Unfortunately, many men struggle with building a deeper connection with their wives and then inaccurately diagnosis the problem as a communication problem.  That may be true.  But if you can improve the connection with your wife you'll likely find that the communication you have with her changes for the better too. 

In this post, I’ll be sharing five practical ways to build a stronger connection and build deeper intimacy with your wife.

5 Keys To Stronger Connection

1. Show Affection:

This may seem like a given, but in many cases there's simply not a lot of affection that men show...

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Better Decisions, Fewer Regrets: The Maturity Question

Sep 18, 2023

If you're a Christian man, you know that making good decisions is important. You want to live a life that honors God, serves your family well, and makes a positive impact in the world around you. But how can you make decisions that will lead you in that direction?  Not only that, but how can you make decisions on a day-to-day basis that lead you to a life with fewer regrets at the end?

Andy Stanley's book "Better Decisions, Fewer Regrets" offers some excellent guidance, and perhaps the most powerful tool in the book is what Stanley calls "the maturity question."

In this blog post, we'll explore what that question is, how it can help you make better decisions, and why it's particularly important for Christian men.

What is the Maturity Question?

The maturity question is simple but profound. It goes like this: "What does a mature person do in this situation?"

Andy suggests that we ask ourselves this question in any decision we face, whether big or small. The reason is...

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Better Decisions, Fewer Regrets: The Conscience Question

Sep 11, 2023

One of the best gifts that God has given us is our conscience.  That part of our lives that allows us to evaluate our thoughts and desires and determine what is right or wrong.  However, if we don't allow our conscience to be under the control of the Holy Spirit - we can find ourselves in situations that hurt us and lead us astray.

So, why exactly do we have one?  Ultimately, our conscience is designed - when controlled by the Holy Spirit - to help lead us to live life to the fullest.  Or, as we like to say in our ministry, to help lead us to become the man that God meant for us to be.

But we don't always allow it to do its job and there's one big reason why.

Paying Attention To The Tension

Everyone has the ability to let their conscience help them evaluate situations they're in and make wise decisions - better decisions that lead to fewer regrets.  But we often make one simple mistake - or decision - that leads to unwanted...

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3 things you Have to Have to Have a GREAT FAMILY!

Sep 04, 2023

First comes love.  Then comes marriage.  Then comes baby in the baby carriage!

We all know the jingle but we don't always know what to do once the baby carriage shows up.  As Christian men, we just know that we want to have a great family.  We know it won't be easy...but we know it will be worth it in the end! 

So how do we get there?  What do we have to have in order to have a great family? 

3 things come to mind:  Alignment, Guardrails, and Letting Go. 

3 Things You Have to Have 

#1. Have Alignment

Leadership and maximum impact starts at the top with you and if you and your wife aren't in alignment about what matters most - it definitely won't reach the ears or hearts of those following in your footsteps.

We all know what it's like when a car is out of alignment.  Tires erode quickly and the car just doesn't drive like it's supposed to.  The same is true with your home.  If you want your family to operate at the...

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